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The Evolution of Jeans: Pictures, Scones and Tea

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another x-post..

got more pictures - i was fuckin around with my friends camera. not really ligit evo pics. but theyre vivid blue denims these days



One of these days i'll take real pictures of them.. i just figured i'd put these up in the meantime.

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I only hand wash, because I am a miner living in the late 1800s.

Nah, but seriously I only hand wash my jeans and vintage work shirts.

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Guest devil.beside.you
  vamks said:
i like your pairing with the 877's. and I like how you're not going slim, very unique.

Thank you :) I love my 877's to death haha. I was actually drunk when I felt liberated enough to tuck my okis into the boots. I saw photos the next morning and loved the look so i'm keeping it. As an added bonus, its honeycombin' the rainbow okis nicely

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  devil.beside.you said:
Sugarcane Rainbow Okinawas - 1.5 months of wear (3 exercises of p90x a week) One wash so far

You seriously do p90x exercises in your jeans?

That must be both uncomfortable and hilarious simultaneously.

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8 months today. initial soak no wash. i haven't been wearing them the past few days as they've been getting crotch repairs.







ive experienced denim thinning, thread wear, and the denim itself ripping near the crotch. the cut is very movement restricting and when you play sports and need to reach for the ball, it really hurts the denim.



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