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  iron4jones said:
^^^ Wow. We dont have stuff like that down here in Texas. You might come across some Purp or something every once in a while but some good mid grade is about as good as it gets usually. I would love to get my hands on some of that! Haha.

shit... what wack part of texas do you stay in? :)

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  Akura said:
Weed + Tobac what do you guys think about it? I went to amsterdam for a week and smoked in many shops and it seems to be the norm there. I'd see people bust out their tobac and sprinkle it on their paper then toss some bud on top. I found it hard to smoke at first because I couldn't hit it as hard as if it was just weed cause the harshness of the tobac. It felt like i was smoking a really large loosy that gave me a head rush and a high at the same time.

Anyone do this on a norm?

fuck that yo.

makes it too harsh for my little lungs haha

and tastes like shit.

and why not just roll up a phatter j instead of batching it with shit?

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  Akura said:
Weed + Tobac what do you guys think about it? I went to amsterdam for a week and smoked in many shops and it seems to be the norm there. I'd see people bust out their tobac and sprinkle it on their paper then toss some bud on top. I found it hard to smoke at first because I couldn't hit it as hard as if it was just weed cause the harshness of the tobac. It felt like i was smoking a really large loosy that gave me a head rush and a high at the same time.

Anyone do this on a norm?

i go to school in scotland and it is definitely the norm here. i personally dont do it, which always shocks europeans when we smoke.

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  Akura said:
Weed + Tobac what do you guys think about it? I went to amsterdam for a week and smoked in many shops and it seems to be the norm there. I'd see people bust out their tobac and sprinkle it on their paper then toss some bud on top. I found it hard to smoke at first because I couldn't hit it as hard as if it was just weed cause the harshness of the tobac. It felt like i was smoking a really large loosy that gave me a head rush and a high at the same time.

Anyone do this on a norm?

it's not really big down here, in the south. however, i enjoy the occasional spliff. the tobacco buzz really enhances the high.

and then when THAT wears off, you're just high!

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I pretty much stole a half-o from my homie because i got suspended today for a fight i got ratted out about. I went to his house today when i got home in the morning after finding out about the suspension, and asked his parents if i could get a bag that i had left at the house. His dad let me in, and i went to my homies room & took his stash of budd he just picked up on sunday. I left and picked up my other friend that got suspended too cus the fight, and we pretty much toked up the whole day.

heres what's left as of now, around 10 g's of purps:




were suspended again for tomorrow, but at least i have something to look foward too.

this shit was hard as fuck right now to type, being a little faded and getting ready to knock out.

and check out what i made to eat in the 'what are you eating todai?' thread: http://www.superfuture.com/supertalk/showpost.php?p=884404&postcount=3479

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yo jeep... just a suggestion, but don't snitch on yourself!

vaporizers work by passing hot air through a chamber filled with finely ground pot. the temperature of the hot air isn't high enough to ignite the pot or burn it in any way, but is sufficient to release the THC as a fine white mist. doesn't smell at all and a noticeably different high than from smoking.

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Vaops, even the most expensive, IMO, are lame. they are fun at first, but not worth the hassle. They are for people with real problems, like cancer and shit, thats when they are usefull, what the volcano was invented for more or less.

I still cough from a big VAPO hit, and most of the heating elements are not good for you, as its some hippie in his garage putting together something with elements that are not supposed to heat anything going in to your body.

just some thoughts. buy more weed, its more fun!

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  AstroWolf said:
Vaops, even the most expensive, IMO, are lame. they are fun at first, but not worth the hassle. They are for people with real problems, like cancer and shit, thats when they are usefull, what the volcano was invented for more or less.

I still cough from a big VAPO hit, and most of the heating elements are not good for you, as its some hippie in his garage putting together something with elements that are not supposed to heat anything going in to your body.

just some thoughts. buy more weed, its more fun!

I dunno, I think this was a little misguided. I cough off vaporizer hits too, but I think it's because of the dry, hot air that I'm inhaling. Also the particles of the mist are very fine, but definitely not 100% water... so they irritate my nose and throat sometimes, but you get used to it.

secondly... a vaporizer is essentially a hairdryer. there's a heating element and then (usually) there's a fan to draw air across the heating element and over the weed... I really don't know how that could be LESS healthy than inhaling smoke

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  hobonick said:
^why not just roll a J?

i never understood stuffing blunts/cigs.

I used to stuff cigs, or as my friends and I called them, "Secret Agents" to make smuggling that broccoli into concerts easier by passing them off as regular cigs. They burn way too quickly though. A regular J is the way to go.

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  e_train said:
I used to stuff cigs, or as my friends and I called them, "Secret Agents" to make smuggling that broccoli into concerts easier by passing them off as regular cigs. They burn way too quickly though. A regular J is the way to go.

Yea, as he said, they are easier to pass off without getting attention. A joint would catch anyones eye, especially after the smell goes around. But yea, a cig does burn really quick and it sucks.

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picked up 8 grams today for 50 bucks... smoked earlier.

i haven't smoked since i came to this town (College) - But i finally managed to get a local connection- shady/corny white kids lol..

But yeah it was some good shit, helped me kiss away my stress.

later on..

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vapo's are amazing imo.

me and my friends' favorite coffeeshop (hurrah for holland) has about 5 vapo's there which you can just use for free... you can really taste the nice subtle weedflavor and the buzz is extreeeeme compared to just smoking it in a joint.

i might have to get some skeeba tonight :rolleyes:

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  e_train said:
I used to stuff cigs, or as my friends and I called them, "Secret Agents" to make smuggling that broccoli into concerts easier by passing them off as regular cigs. They burn way too quickly though. A regular J is the way to go.
  geezluiz1 said:
Yea, as he said, they are easier to pass off without getting attention. A joint would catch anyones eye, especially after the smell goes around. But yea, a cig does burn really quick and it sucks.

rollers make perfect, even "cigarettes". way easier than trying to unpack and restuff one, and look pretty much like the real deal provided you use a roach and all

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Filled a Black n' Mild with about a dub sack.

it was really weird cause it started off decent but for about the middle 3/5s of it, we could see it burn, but there was no smoke at all. we got down to the last 1/4 of it and in the middle of one of my puffs, it finally hit. and then that shit came so easy. I was not faded at all for like 4/5s of the bnm blunt but got fucked up of that last little bit.

then went to see Cloverfield.

Unbelievable. Watch It, but make sure you are fucked up first.

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so my new favorite thing is to collect the kief from the bottom of my friend's spacecase grinder and put it into a kief press. the resulting kief disk/coin is then mounted on a pin, ignited, and left to smolder under an inverted glass. technically it's not hash... but it gets you blasteddd

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  ghostdeini said:
so my new favorite thing is to collect the kief from the bottom of my friend's spacecase grinder and put it into a kief press. the resulting kief disk/coin is then mounted on a pin, ignited, and left to smolder under an inverted glass. technically it's not hash... but it gets you blasteddd

I demand detailed instructions accompanied by illustrations and/or photographs.

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