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Out of curiosity, how many of you actually want MJ legalized? It has both cons and pros, which I'm too lazy to list out, but it was to my surprise that a lot of smokers don't want it legalized.

This is a good question. As I live in California and our state deficit is beyond what it has ever been, this could be a huge help. On one hand, my selfishness says don't legalize it because I have plenty of friends who grow as well as have my prescription. Then my thoughts turn to those who are terminally ill and I revert back to wanting it legalized. No one should be denied something that can cure their ailments! Legalize Marijuana!

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omg, that pill would be perfect for plane rides! (no terror)

anyone near OSU on sufu that has good shit?

im out basically and grasping on what little i have left

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just rolled a chimaera of a super-spliff...weed, virginia tobacco, cloves, and apple cinnamon tea (try it, it makes the damn thing taste like christmas) rolled up and sealed with honey. bout ta get haaaaaaaaaaaaaigh

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