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Sufu Fantasy Football 2007


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here are some suggestions for next year:

one flex

only 5 BNs

maybe only 3 wr? im not sure. i really liked the 4 deep wr.

keep IDP

raise tackle points to .5

raise penalty for interceptions.

and next years draft will be way more interesting. there isnt a solid #1 pick like this year.

Dunno, I kind of like that layout. Esspecially increasing penalties for Int's. Also like the 5 bench spots but then I was one of the people who slept on a couple players. Always found there were more than enough on the wire though, with the exception of WRs. Deep bench allows you to take a complete flyer on a player - like the 3rd string Denver RB. When they get on the field and produce its like winning the lottery.

I'd like to see the Wire close over the weekend when games were being played to allow everyone to get the same chance at picking up new players. In my other pool we open it Wed. night. IMAO

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1 pt per reception and completion

1 pt per tackle

.5 for a assted tackle

-2 for a int for a qb +3 for a int for D

+3 for a sack for d

- 2 for a sack for a qb

10 points per D TD

more ideas to come.... :P

10 points for a D TD seems like a lot considering, with the exception of someone like Hester, its next to impossible to be able to anticipate them.... No?

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1 pt per reception and completion

1 pt per tackle

.5 for a assted tackle

-2 for a int for a qb +3 for a int for D

+3 for a sack for d

- 2 for a sack for a qb

more ideas to come.... :P

.5 per tackle

.25 for assist

1 per tackle is too much, as some players would have over 100FP just from tackles.

I agree with the INT stuff, although im not sure what the FPs are now

I dont think QBs should be punished much for sacks as that could be a bad offensive line at work

but ya lower BN players to 4

that gives room for 1 extra RB, QB, and WR and one flex

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hester is a WR. so it would not count as a D TD. its all about those random wonders where somone pulls a fumble recovery once a year, thats worth more than six.

and the idea behind making the D worth more, is D wins games if your playing that stratagy. i think that if you choose to make a different attack at the game than just O its cool to have a strong D... just like real football, if you got a great O your D might suck. if you got a rex grossman, and a great D, things can still go all the way.

and your right, the -2 for a sack is high if it were just to punish the QB. but in my way of seeing things (however skeweed and warped that might be) we are punishing the O line just as much, so its taking in to account more of the team.

these are just stoned thoughts, but i have seen good action playing with this format before, i think that something between more points, and what we have now, will be really fun. it was near impossible to crack 200 this year.... props to those that did. i dont think i did once.

whatever, its all gravy, its all soooo long away, we need a off season thread to get this going and talking after the season is over.

and the neg points for a fumble should count just as much as a recovery, in the case a qb or someone drops it, and picks it up, he just covered your ass...

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you are a scholar and a gentleman astrowolf

i was sweating through the day the way uour players were playing, it was pretty back and forth, everytime id pull ahead, you'd get some ridiculous points out of nowhere (AHEM URLACHER :()

thanks to everyone for a great season , it was alot of fun

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the bandits = astro wolf... do i win anything? that would be nice.

were you the runner up? If so, yes, you get your money back. I've just moved so i'm getting my bank account/paypal set up again, which is why no one has gotten paid yet. sorry for the inconvenience, it wont be much longer.

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nice, im happy to get the dough back, as i should win something, but not much, as this is a fake football game, and its all or not much in that life.

it was really a pleasure playing with you all this season, and im happy we all stuck with it. its been a few seasons since my good friend leauge fell apart, and public leauges are really sad and lame to me. so, i will def be in next year assuming i am alive and able to afford to play over my developing crack addiction.

best and most to you all.

Astro Wolf

The Bandits

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here, here! I too hope my team is more competitive this year, seeing as how I've staked my reputation on it.

i'm down for 40$ this year. what did we do last year, 30?

now's the time to start arguing about scoring set up so let her rip...i agree with ninja, i think the individual defensive players was a mistake, at least having so many of them.

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Its just that you put so much time thinking about your offensive lineup, give little to no thought to your defensive, and then Umenyiora get 19 sacks in 1 game, or some piece of shit corner get three picks for TDs, and scores your team 40 points... Totally wack.

Depending on how deep we go this year, I wouldnt be opposed to consolation prizes, however, winner take all last year was fine even though I didnt win :(

maybe a 6-team, 3 week playoff would be better, with first round byes for top two teams.

Westbrook, did you get married yet?

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