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The Dark Knight

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saw it for the second time tonight. this time on imax. it looks so much more proper. the whole movie is a hands down a+ from everyone i've seen it with too.

ed norton would also be a creepy as fuck joker. remember that scene in fightclub where he's beating himself up in his boss's office?

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Joker with his head out of car? That was supposed to copy a scene from another movie. Cant remember which one.

that's one of the best Joker scenes in the film even if it was played over and over again in the trailers. ...i'm curious if it's a reference to another movie, but it didn't remind me of anything.

i agree that there's way too much hype around ledger. he did a great job of course, but really what made the joker one of the best on-screen villains in a while was what Nolan and the writers did with the character and that they didn't miscast The Joker.

as was said earlier the way ledger did the joker was unexpected especially coming from him and props to Nolan for casting him...hands down it's ledger's best performance, but he isn't the only actor around who could've done it--as ms sally mentioned--gary oldman (true romance, leon, state of grace, the 5th element) definitely could take on that role...especially 10 years ago.

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i duno man, check the post above you. DDL coulda done just as good a job.

but yo for reals, aaron eckhart is a d-bag. i saw him on some morning show last friday, telling some stupid story about how he met heath's mom at the opening, and how he told her the story of heath's ipod: heath would play his ipod between shoots, and everyone loved his "quirky" music (that's how he described it). after he died or maybe before, people started passing it around and copying his music, and the legend of heath lived on through heath's ipod. i'm not even kidding, that's practically how he told it. shit sounded. like a bad apple commercial and was WORST STORY EVER worthy.

he also later on went to say that if two actresses played rachel daws, he didn't see why two actors couldn't play the joker (in response to bringing back the joker for another sequel).

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  the_state said:

he also later on went to say that if two actresses played rachel daws, he didn't see why two actors couldn't play the joker (in response to bringing back the joker for another sequel).

Can't say I agree with Eckhart's logic there. Daws' character is no where near the level of the Joker's. Plus, going with Gyllenhaal over Holmes was a huge improvement. I doubt that anyone could improve on Ledger's take on the Joker.

I did wonder, though, if they would bring in a new actor to play the Joker, or just use him sparingly through CGI and flashbacks. That is if there is even a third movie of course.

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would DDL even do a role like The Joker or The Riddler?

also...there's way too much hype around DDL. it's so boring and obvious that ppl keep saying DDL should reprise the role. i wonder if anyone on here has mentioned javier bardem for joker yet, lol. hype.

the list of movies in parenthesis for oldman reflects he already has done complicated sociopaths with ease and a lot of flare (drexl, stansfield, zorg). ...amazing how this guy is still so underrated.

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  eastcoastrider27 said:
It's not undeserved. DDL is a phenomenal actor.
Oh, I wasn't saying that...just criticizing how ppl keep name dropping him for whatever random ass reason.

...anyway, Dark Knight was a tight film--explained things concisely and neatly without being too obvious or predictable. was violent enough didn't need to be R-rated, joker was excellent, m. gyllenhaal is an obvious improvement, new bat suit was awesome, a movie shot w/ as little CG is refreshing, chicago as gotham city was near-perfect.

it's a pity for ledger that he didn't get to see it and how much folks love him as the joker.

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  eastcoastrider27 said:

Alfred and Wayne were talking about hiring someone to fly in under the radar to get Lau. I forget exactly who they hired.

And I think Fox's speech is a definite reference to Bush/NSA.

Yah but would Bats trust a North korean pilot to fly at that exact time over the skyscraper to extricate him.

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couldn't he have just cut the fucking ears off of the top of his mask at this point? i mean, he obviously wants to be taken seriously and not be made a big deal out of and an object of public fascination ("i'm not wearing hockey pads" i lol'd). if we could detach from the bat-phobia-turned-from-weakness-into-strength (was it really that crucial of an event in his transformation?) part of the story and just look at it as a former rich asshole who went on a spiritual/asskickual retreat to the himalayas in order to being justice to the scummy underbelly of his home city...im sorry for the bang up stream of thought but it just distracted me for a lot of the movie. with the movie's dark, brooding and solemn undertone...did du' still need those cute little animal ears?

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  weidna said:
couldn't he have just cut the fucking ears off of the top of his mask at this point? i mean, he obviously wants to be taken seriously and not be made a big deal out of and an object of public fascination ("i'm not wearing hockey pads" i lol'd). if we could detach from the bat-phobia-turned-from-weakness-into-strength (was it really that crucial of an event in his transformation?) part of the story and just look at it as a former rich asshole who went on a spiritual/asskickual retreat to the himalayas in order to being justice to the scummy underbelly of his home city...im sorry for the bang up stream of thought but it just distracted me for a lot of the movie. with the movie's dark, brooding and solemn undertone...did du' still need those cute little animal ears?

Then it wont be Bats wont it?

Anyway dont like the ears. The ears should extend from the top edge of his head like in the comics.

Now it looks like round head with straight ears.

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  isoform said:
Oh, I wasn't saying that...just criticizing how ppl keep name dropping him for whatever random ass reason.

what the fuck?

name dropping DDL to say he would do a good job acting is essentially a statement of undeniable, infallible, holy fact. that's not a "random ass" reason. That's a fucking perfectly good reason.

FURTHERMORE, I'm a HUGE DDL fan and knowing how rarely he takes movies I was pretty much putting him out of the picture for another role and not even thinking about it. When someone suggesed him as the next joker, my head literally exploded with how insane that would be. I can't even begin to imagine what kind of shit would go down if DDL was the joker.

Anyhow, DK as #1 on imdb??? WOW. I know the site is full of people that just give 10s to any good action movie, but #1 is some serious shit. wow. still can't believe how good it was.

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  BostonWardrobe said:
DDL as Mr. Freeze. Could rival Ahhnold, no?

Doubt Nolan would want Freeze to be the next villian. He seems to prefer the more cerebral and not the brawny types. 2 Face would be perfect but since he has already been used, wonder who will be next?

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  shagnscoob said:
what the fuck?

name dropping DDL to say he would do a good job acting is essentially a statement of undeniable, infallible, holy fact. that's not a "random ass" reason. That's a fucking perfectly good reason.

FURTHERMORE, I'm a HUGE DDL fan and knowing how rarely he takes movies I was pretty much putting him out of the picture for another role and not even thinking about it. When someone suggesed him as the next joker, my head literally exploded with how insane that would be. I can't even begin to imagine what kind of shit would go down if DDL was the joker.

If you are such a big Day Lewis fan, what does he think of Superhero flicks? Would he degrade himself to do that? The last action hero role he did was Hawkeye in Mohicans but that is literature I guess.

His role in Gangs of New York was excellent. Missed his last movie where he earned another Best Actor Oscar. Yah he would be great as Joker or 2 Face but maybe Nolan wanted a younger actor?

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  koosh17 said:
i think 2 face could reappear in the 3rd one but with another villain. harley quinn? but she cant appear without joker, right?

and no one can take ledgers spot as joker so that may be outta the question

Nah! Harley is super lightweight. A B grade villian.

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  the_state said:
^i think like 1/2 the movie was a stab at the current state of affairs, and was bordering on preachy (not necessarily a bad thing, they did it in a subtle way). joker's speeches to batman and dent definitely poked at how much faith and trust we put in the police and government, and how corruptible misleading and full of shit they can be.


started to think about the patriot act and big brother and all that stuff.

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I don't think you can apply the same "superhero" standard to all movies. That's like saying all westerns are the same, or all police dramas are the same.

Is Heat really on the same level as.... I can't even think of a movie that's a police drama that even comes close.

Oh that's why DDL would maybe do it. Because if he trusted nolan as making a good movie then it wouldn't matter waht the subject was.

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