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i used to know someone who worked as assistant to dean of housing. sadl,t she left a short while a go or i would have gotten you the hook up.

move in with kylefall. nigga needs roomate.

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Who's kylefall?

Where does he live? ...

Yo! I'm currently living in Charlottetown, PEI. Looking for a move in date of August 1st in Toronto.

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He's looking at coming up in September. I'm not entirely opposed to just moving in with someone else, as he doesn't have any solid plans and I can work it out with him afterwards. Like seriously if you know someone who keeps a clean place who wants a room mate I'd hop all over that. I'm an immaculate non smoker non drinker so I don't really cause many problems for 98% of people.

I never realized how hard it would be to make this move. It all comes down to money, I just don't want to get there and go broke and have to come home and start all over. That's why I need to have with me like 3 months of bills while I find a new job. I currently work in a casino, and seeing as how there are none in Toronto I'll have to find a new line of work.

I really don't want to clog this thread up any more though, I'll pm you dudes who are willing to help me out and I'll continue to be jealous of this thread from the sidelines for the time being.

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I'm not sure. For the first bit I will likely just work a shitty call center. Obviously it's ridiculously hard to get by on min wage or something so I would need to take a job that pays more. I might try and commute to Woodbine and maybe work out there. I'd like to stay in the gaming industry but if I can't I will take whatever is available to me at a decent hourly rate. I probably won't be hauling mad cash in tips like I am here though, thats why ive been holding off so long is that I'm making great money here so the longer I wait the more room to breathe I have when I move.

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yo, for those who don't already know..

30-50% SALE at Sydney's on almost everything in the store

Delphic's got a decent one too, mad Vibskov and Lindeberg for half-off

I picked up the BoO baseball jacket in XS for $275

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i don't owe you, like two vowels

a milli a milli a milli

what up jolly

long time no talk

projectdenim - i'm loyal to one pho place, which is Hurontario / QEW. i live in mississauga, so everytime i go down to t.o, i stop by that place on the way home. they opened a new one downtown, but i'm not 100% where it is.

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fuck summerlicious and the villagers it rides in on.

if i could wear a wire at work and play you the stupid questions i have to answer, your head would explode. no, i dont know what lake the tap water comes from.

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