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Denim Junkie Group Buy


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  BTT said:
But also, if it's being sold to BiG and the price is raised to 250+, I'm going to be pretty pissed and makes me regret posting the previous thread (if you guys could remember, D/J was saying we was the first Americans to contact him) and just makes me not want to buy from BiG.

seriously. im fucking pissed right now.

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  Tenchi said:
Hmmm...force the group buy?

Tell him, the only way we want these jeans are through this group buy and no other way.

I reckon we just need numbers. (as in people)

he said 5 we have 7

i wont be buying them fron BiG or any other retailer. especially with no tabs or pocket stitching. even on the highly unlikely event they they are even remotely close to the 205 price.

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Only thing I have against SelfEdge and BiG is that I can get those jeans for cheaper straight from Japan. Those stores are good for those that do not know better..

..but back on topic, it would be really shitty if there is a deal w/ these in the US and the price shoots up. I hope the deal falls through.

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  knucks said:
Only thing I have against SelfEdge and BiG is that I can get those jeans for cheaper straight from Japan. Those stores are good for those that do not know better..

..but back on topic, it would be really shitty if there is a deal w/ these in the US and the price shoots up. I hope the deal falls through.

There was a whole other thread on that subject, that I think died a while ago. Stores like BiG and Selfedge aren't just for those don't know better. They're for those who'll pay a premium for a guarenteed fit (and if I lived in either SF or NY, I would). I usually buy my jeans straight from Japan, because if I have to weather the risk of ill-fitting jeans, I want to buy said jeans as cheaply as possible.

Personally, no ill-will to BiG intended (if it is BiG), I hope that the deal doesn't go through either. It's a great jean at a good price, but stripped of it's arcuates and tab, it's going to look no different to any other repro out there (that's been mutilated because of Big Brother Levi). I hope the denimjunkie guy kicks up a stink if removing the stiching gets mentioned. Otherwise, he's not really into making jeans, he's into making $$$.

Man, this thread is making these jeans starting to grow on me. Argh! Must stay away, no more jeans!!!

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  indigo_junkie said:
I hope the denimjunkie guy kicks up a stink if removing the stiching gets mentioned. Otherwise, he's not really into making jeans, he's into making $$$.

Money makes the world go round, brother.

Although I agree that without the tab and pocket detailing, these would be less attractive to me, I think that making jeans should be profitable for the guy. Can't really expect him to just make 'em for the love of making them, it's still a business.

Let's not get worked up about it all just yet.

I do agree that now that there's a possibility I can't have it in the state it was originally presented (in the low $200s, with pocket stitches and tag), the more desirable they are. Human nature, I guess.

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  indigo_junkie said:

Personally, no ill-will to BiG intended (if it is BiG),

if these go to a retailer, i will have A LOT of ill-will toward whichever retailer that is. how could you not, BTT and knucks were the only people in america to contact denim-junkie, so where do you think the retailer heard about them? could it be these forums?

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  ang_kangkong said:
Money makes the world go round, brother.


Sure, I believe that everyone needs to make a living, but if the guy's going to compromise his design (esp for a very small independant niche company like his) in order to sell his jeans in the US, he might as well have gone into the bulk garment industry and have his jeans made by 4 year old tawainese child for 10 cents an hour

  quid said:
if these go to a retailer, i will have A LOT of ill-will toward whichever retailer that is. how could you not, BTT and knucks were the only people in america to contact denim-junkie, so where do you think the retailer heard about them? could it be these forums?

If BiG found out about these jeans on their own by trawling the net (which is what I figure most niche market jean retailers would do in their spare time) and liked them enough to want to sell them in their store, then more power to them. If BiG found out about these jeans on this thread and hijacked the group buy in order to make money off the same people that spread the word about BiG and its products, then I hope NY gets hit by a mini-earthquake, just enough to swallow a little jean shop in Soho into the ground.

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  quid said:
whose Naoto?

Ah....that's me! ;)

BTW, just in case you might misunderstand - Mr. D/J is an individual jean enthusiast, not a shop nor a jeans manufacture at all, and he and couple of his mates have to do all services from taking orders to shipping etc on their own. So please try to understand the difficulties of trading & business he's facing at the moment. I hope it'll be sorted very soon.

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  Naoto said:
Ah....that's me! ;)

BTW, just in case you might misunderstand - Mr. D/J is an individual jean enthusiast, not a shop nor a jeans manufacture at all, and he and couple of his mates have to do all services from taking orders to shipping etc on their own. So please try to understand the difficulties of trading & business he's facing at the moment. I hope it'll be sorted very soon.

i fully understand that he is a small operation. do you know him personally?
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The funniest part about this, is that D/J didn't realize that selling the jeans to us, would ultimately bring the business. People look at the "WDYWT" threads and see some sexy ass jeans and want to be the same. I don't think he realized the influence of a supershopper/supertrash/superdenim thread can do to his business.

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  quid said:
me too, anyone know where this guy lives?, maybe ill arrange for a friend in japan to pick them up and mail them to me.

Maybe a little less menacing?;)

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  ang_kangkong said:
Maybe a little less menacing?;)
i want them. im letting money sit in my paypal account which pisses me off. i would love to do this group buy, OR i have a friend in japan that will pick them up for me.

i know, if i was running a little operation, and a bunch of people from another country found me. i would do every single thing i could to get those people wearing my stuff, ESPECIALLY when theyre involved on a forum with thousands of users that's essentially dedicated to denim, most notable denim from my country, but thats just me apparently.

not to mention we are ready to prepay for ~25% of his next order.

and i asked where he lives because he's probably running this out of his apartment/house.

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;) Chill out dude.

I was making a joke,.

When you ask where he lives, it's like you're going to his house to rough him up. The friend-come-pick-it-up comment was just too good to pass up.

I want them too. But I guess it's possibly being in NY, I'm not as anxious, as I can get my correct size w/out having to guess that makes me less upset.

No hate.


(Sorry for the emoticon abuse)

  quid said:
i want them. im letting money sit in my paypal account which pisses me off. i would love to do this group buy, OR i have a friend in japan that will pick them up for me.

i know, if i was running a little operation, and a bunch of people from another country found me. i would do every single thing i could to get those people wearing my stuff, ESPECIALLY when theyre involved on a forum with thousands of users that's essentially dedicated to denim, most notable denim from my country, but thats just me apparently.

not to mention we are ready to prepay for ~25% of his next order.

and i asked where he lives because he's probably running this out of his apartment/house.

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  ang_kangkong said:
;) Chill out dude.

I was making a joke,.

When you ask where he lives, it's like you're going to his house to rough him up. The friend-come-pick-it-up comment was just too good to pass up.

I want them too. But I guess it's possibly being in NY, I'm not as anxious, as I can get my correct size w/out having to guess that makes me less upset.

No hate.


(Sorry for the emoticon abuse)

i do need to chill out

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Sorry for the slow reply.

  quid said:
i fully understand that he is a small operation. do you know him personally?

No, I just spoke to him over several emails, but he's such a friendly guy.

As you say, asking your friend in Japan might be a good idea because that's exactly what I did for this time. Good luck!

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