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waywt? saved my life

sycamore no more

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i love you. i wish i could rep, but ive repped you many times for this reason before haha.

it's cool, just don't be disappointed too much at the fact that the bottom half of the pics don't have maximized versions. :( sorry, that's all I can do to help

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Do you really love him, or is this more like a jockular pat on the butt? Or are the two synonymous? And in that moment, when you typed the words, "I love you", did you feel particularly vulnerable?

no, i think i actually love him. its between the grotesque purity of the spongebobs and the fact that he's a pretty ballin dude, so yeah, i got some straight up hetero-love for palabok.

yes, i felt vulnerable. dammit.

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timber and sis: you guys are the hotness. and your sis looks like she just walked out of an april77 catalog...

duhhh. but it would be a faux-pa not to notice how hot either of them are. but duhhh, everyone's gonna be a fanboy of them.

but jane, i still got love for you too.

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that's some badass shiz

hehe ;)

sistersuzie, who ever the artist is who did you arm is really good, nice work on the shadding. a great piece.

It was done by Dav, an artist from Quebec city. I'll try to find his myspace page tomorrow.

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