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fade to black2

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passed on the wedding i was supposed to go to...

so excited for detroit this weekend!!!

although, this better not be my vacation...i was thinking more nyc for a couple weeks.

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Take a relatively old black woman (at least older than your mom) force feed her seven dry pancakes. Fill her up with syrup...proceed to eat her out. If you followed directions precisely, you should be able to taste the best pancakes of your life.

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dude i know what u meant. but i had a list of girls that i wanted to dance with, cept they were already dancing with some other guys, wtf.

lool i didnt even go but i heard about the blackies / latinos.

and the strange body odor... lol. what school were you part of?

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HOLY FUCK. Tiger Woods! fucking shit....

And people say golf isn't exciting

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lool i didnt even go but i heard about the blackies / latinos.

and the strange body odor... lol. what school were you part of?

cerritos. i was only happy with the last girl i danced with, some cute korean chick with orange/reddish hair wearing a wife beater and shortshorts. and i got pds over her and i didnt even get her name :(

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cerritos. i was only happy with the last girl i danced with, some cute korean chick with orange/reddish hair wearing a wife beater and shortshorts. and i got pds over her and i didnt even get her name :(

pds? lolll. im guessing public display of sex? you shoulda asked her for her name :(

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Ah, I just ran out to do an errand, and a pair of crows followed me five blocks to my door, dive bombing me and grabbing at my hair and sweater with their bird talons.

Why, why would they do that...

u have probably upset THE diamonds

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Ah, I just ran out to do an errand, and a pair of crows followed me five blocks to my door, dive bombing me and grabbing at my hair and sweater with their bird talons.

Why, why would they do that...

ack! robins are the same way, there are nests in my backyard and if you're anywhere near them, you get dive bombed

i've never heard of crows doing that though, that's just plain creepy

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people on steroids are funny.

last night i was at guppys (a stupid, little asian boba place) with some friends, and i noticed this girl that I've seen around before. she was with this big dude (who i assumed was her boyfriend), and she came over and hugged me and we talked for a few minutes. the stupid roids man was staring at me the whole time with his death glare, and i couldn't help but smile/laugh back at him the whole time. eventually, she went back to her seat with the big guy and I got back to my drink with my friends.

later on, my friends pointed out that our candle at our table wasn't lit, so i called over michelle (the girl) to ask for a lighter. she said she didn't have hers, but roidsy was happy to respond with, "I'LL LIGHT YOUR FACE UP."

we laughed at him and thought he was joking. so my friends and i went along with it. we threw out some, "wanna go?"s and "yeah, i'll take you"s, and then suddenly the guy stood up and went out to the parking lot and started to pace around and bounce up and down a little.

"hey skinny, why don't you come on out here?"

"which one? we're both skinny."



"yeah YOU"

"wait, me?"


"hold on, me or him?"

stuff like that. we mess with people a lot, and this was one of the only times where i was kinda scared. i'm not a big guy (at all), but i'm pretty safe in this dumb little suburb where everyone is a pussy.

anyway, he was waiting out there for a while, taunting us and trying to start shit. we just kept on laughing at him though... but some of the kids we were with did get a little nervous. i'm not quite sure why he didn't just come to our table and pull one of us up (he was probably scared of getting in trouble or something). he was one angry guy. eventually he drove away in his integra type r rice rocket.

that was my experience with roids man. if you want to start trouble, go to a bar or something. no girl is impressed with a guy who has the mentality of "OH I JUST DRANK MY FRUIT SMOOTHIE WITH RICE BALLS IN IT AND NOW I WANT TO POUND SOMEONE'S FACE IN," anyway.

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to be fair timber your hair quite birdnest-like.

calvin oscar you kinda lucky that dude was probably kinda soft otherwise you wouldve definetly got your ass beat...never taunt a motherfucker outside of your little suburb, nahmean? unless youre sure you can beat his ass or at least run.

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the button on the touchpad of my laptop has been broken for 4 months and my warranty expired like 3 days before school ended so i couldnt even send that shit out for repairs.

but low and behold, out of NOWHERE it started working again today.

it originally stopped working because i was eating breakfast at my laptop and spilled milk into it (lulz), so maybe whatever milk residue is in there finally turned into some sort of delicious cheese and is no longer messing with the circuity.

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the button on the touchpad of my laptop has been broken for 4 months and my warranty expired like 3 days before school ended so i couldnt even send that shit out for repairs.

but low and behold, out of NOWHERE it started working again today.

it originally stopped working because i was eating breakfast at my laptop and spilled milk into it (lulz), so maybe whatever milk residue is in there finally turned into some sort of delicious cheese and is no longer messing with the circuity.

mmm penis cheese.

cant you remove laptop keys though? for cleaning? i always thought you could

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My friends mom just died and her father is in the hospital. They were coming back from some event and got in a pretty bad car crash. I have been talking on the phone to her for a couple hours now. Never before have I felt so terrible for another person in my life. Really puts things in perspective for you when there is a death. I made my parents panna cotta knowing that at any moment they could just die without me having a chance to make a final impression.

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