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is it safe to subsititute tuna in leiu of actual cat food?

in high quantities, tuna can actually produce mecury poisoning, BUT i only give it to them once a week-and they like it

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i wonder what those scientists mean when they say 'high quantities'

i eat tuna for lunch every day. mercury ain't fenna murk me

a little boy died from eating tuna everyday

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Did you guys know that if you put an American Apparel item up for sale on ebay you'll get a million messages from people overseas asking about shipping? Is this like americans beasting over Base Control shit or something?

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in high quantities, tuna can actually produce mecury poisoning, BUT i only give it to them once a week-and they like it

yeah once a week aint too bad..i thought u fed them that everyday

cats are small critters so it takes alot less mercury to mess em up than it does us humans.......

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there's a maintenance guy working on the hole in my apartment ceiling right now, and i'm the only one home. he's really nice, and i know he's harmless-but i can't help but feel uncomfortable... i have to go pee, but i don't want to use the bathroom while he's here... is that weird?

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there's a maintenance guy working on the hole in my apartment ceiling right now, and i'm the only one home. he's really nice, and i know he's harmless-but i can't help but feel uncomfortable... i have to go pee, but i don't want to use the bathroom while he's here... is that weird?

just show him your photos

that should do the trick........

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Ew, I just grabbed a bowl out of the dishwasher -- which was still hot, from the cycle -- and then poured in some cereal, walked over to my desk, sat down, took a bite and realized that half of my cereal had been cooked. :confused:

Just Right is bad news.


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im used to the one way style of headphones

how much different are the two way headphones

are there two ways to listen to them

what is "two way" about them

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So I'm standing at Clapham Junction tonight waiting for the train home and the station is swamped with loads of drunk city guys and society girls all dressed up coming back from Royal Ascot and they're all the sort of gorgeous that only money can buy and keep, but it's kind of ugly and all I can think is if that's being a B.A.L.L.A you can fucking keep it.

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i was on my way home from whole foods and i passed the moscone west building. there were tons of people outside protesting about health care and cars were honking consistantly every other second in support. i wish i had a real camera on me but i only had my cell phone.

then i saw this lady with a sign. it said "health care crisis =" on the top and "budget crisis" on the bottom. i thought it should be reversed so i told her to hold the sign upside down.

when i got home i realized i forgot my keys so i rung the doorbell and a second later this old man that lives across the street calls out and said 'No one is home'

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