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Guest jmatsu
guys are supposed to say creepy things, and you're supposed to like it.

u nvr cease to surprise me. always thought u b an emo pussy, but then you bring some rugged-raw realness like this shit.

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Guest jmatsu


Originally Posted by julzkind viewpost.gif

is it weird that if you like a guy and he says something creepy, its cute?

the only difference being something being charming and creepy is how much a girl is interested in the guy. -lars

and visa versa.

julzkind vbmenu_register("postmenu_", true);



join date: Mar 2008

location: cleveland

posts: 378

funbag pics


Originally Posted by jmatsu viewpost.gif


you are a pervert. i like it.

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If you could reapportion your personal gifts, how would you do so?

eg, give up some height for a bigger cock (or breasts), give up some IQ points to be inherently cooler, give up some looks to be more artistically gifted... how would you do it?

I think about this stuff a lot.

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can someone please help me find the port # on a macbook pro?

i'm need it so i can bypass a firewall via an exceptions list, and i need my computers port #.

being a mac noob, i don't know how to do this

anyone care to enlighten me?

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If you could reapportion your personal gifts, how would you do so?

eg, give up some height for a bigger cock (or breasts), give up some IQ points to be inherently cooler, give up some looks to be more artistically gifted... how would you do it?

I think about this stuff a lot.

if i could give up 5% of my sexual abilities i'd be the smartest man in the world :cool:

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ive been having crap luck finding a job so i think im gonna go apply at jas mart tomorrow. they seem pretty desparate for workers

if i get it stop by and keep me company in exchange for copies of mens non-no or gatsby productsss

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i can't fucking sleep. i'm so glad that my boyfriend and cats can though... in 6 hours they'll be waking up and expecting me to make tea... open up cans of tuna... poor bowls of cereal... etc. and my grumpy, tired ass will do it.

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