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i think cholula is probably the best medium is hot sauces. i could probably eat it with anything. for example: i was going to eat chicken dumpling soup with crackers and cholula, but we didn't have any crackers-so now i'm just eat chicken dumpling soup and cholula. it's really good with pizza too... mmm.

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Its sort of an odd thing that Sufu has become. Some 27k ppl on the board and about 100 of us who now know eachother in RL. I see stores copying sufu trends. I see ppl becoming famous thanks to WAYWT. Goofy shit. Especially considering how it began and hows its evolved and the relatively short time span. Some of us have jobs and apartments thanks to sufu.

How's that for some random thoughts.

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Finally started biking in my jeans. Finally noticed they smell. But my sweat has a sweet, sickly smell instead of a pungent, musky smell. I spray with Febreze then realize... FUCK ME the Febreze smells exactly like my old-ass (old ass) sweat.

And now I know why I've always hated the bottle of Febreze my mom gave me. If anyone in SuFu land wants to know what my sweat smells like, get "Linen and Sky" Febreze and add a very slight musk to it. Dammmit.

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it's good.

i am definitely buying this stuff next time I'm south of the border. The idea of house brand beer is too hilarious not too.

Why do you even have a 'President's Choice' in Canada?

I have no idea actually, we're so saturated with american ads that I recognize the brand but have no idea if i can buy it

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Its sort of an odd thing that Sufu has become. Some 27k ppl on the board and about 100 of us who now know eachother in RL. I see stores copying sufu trends. I see ppl becoming famous thanks to WAYWT. Goofy shit. Especially considering how it began and hows its evolved and the relatively short time span. Some of us have jobs and apartments thanks to sufu.

How's that for some random thoughts.

I thought it was just me ..

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i know it's a part of any forum(and the internet in general) and that's cool with me, but a lot of the hate on sufu has gotten progressively cornier...if you wanna bash on a dudes outfit, do your worst, but ethnic slurs(the asian to asian hate is the best)? really? financial status, wtf? chances are, you really aint that rich and you dont really buy clothes like that, because for the most part, the people buying multiple rick owens leathers and not giving a fuck don't post on message boards. for a lot of users, the claim of intelligence(both for themselves and the rest of the forum) is true for a lot, but how fucking intelligent do you sound when you resort to ethnic slurs and "i have more money than you so you suck". i love sufu, but the level of elitism is really fucking disgusting...okay so this "noob" has been into fashion for a little less than you and he doesn't know as much, why act so snobby when you were in the same position not so long ago? motherfuckers actin like they were born with a copy of another man comin out their ass...

oh, and thinkin youre hard on the internet is funny, but thinkin youre hard on a fashion forum is even funnier.

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Chocolate skittles are not

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I wish i was related to charlemagne. I'm not. I know because i actually looked at his entire family tree pretty much in hopes i could find something somewhere. Charlemagne's descendents pretty much ruled the world and probably still do. It would be a great opening line on women though. If the girl is a history scholar, she'd probably cream her pants. Then again, if she's a history scholar, she probably does that over any male so whatever.

According to my grandma and someone she had look into and figure a lot of family tree shit, on her side, she has a relative that is related by marriage to a descendent of Martin Luther (the german, not the blackie)

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I had no idea our neighbors to the north had it so bad. I don't drink milk but once every few months, so I buy Parmalat for when I go on a Corn Pops binge.

Best milk I've ever had was Kowloon Dairy.

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I remember dining hall while in undergrad and noticing the guys change the milk machine and seeing those weird ass bags. Creeped me out and i never drank it from that place again. I love my milk too. I have a sugar free carnation instant breakfast every other day. Delicious and nutritious

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A friend of mine had powdered milk awhile back. Shit's weird. My bones get brittle, so i dry to drink plenty of malk

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I've seen them sell drinks in Thailand like that, but never in a 1st world country. If I am made the first Canadian President, I will return milk to paper cartons in which they belong.

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I actually grew up drinking milk that was delivered in glass bottles to our doorstep every morning, foil caps and little wire basket. Cotton Duck may be the only other sufu'er with this child memory.

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