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i'm having a really stupid day. it's not necessarily bad, but everything has been slightly off and it's like a bunch of little shit is just annoying me. i can't find my scarf. i have an exam tomorrow. i can't study because i'm too tired from staying up last night to finish a paper. alw3tu4hpweuhfa;oeifja'sd;k

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catch up time!

  ke1 said:
For those asking about the teaching job. It's only a 6 month thing that pays for housing/plane ticket. I'm only 20 and transferring to a university next fall, so I'm taking the 6 months off to do this.

It pays pretty weak; 1.5k a month. But it only requires you to have a year or two in college, so not too shabby. My income will be spent entirely on soju.

welcome to the club man!

  samsikle said:

banana ketchup is the good stuff. it's sweet and goes amazingly with eggs.

ive never had this before, so is it tomato with bananas?

  FrugalPlayer said:
why do half-assed girls diss you more then cute girls do? i'll never understand that one.

hmm... in my experience half assed girls are usually DTF, and the cute ones are more of a hassle.

  Hendodo said:
  haploid said:

in my head you are both the same guy

  azn8oi said:
Cannot wear fashunz anymore :(

me either, poverty sucks :(

  lllllllllllllll said:
just took a nice ddong


  catchforusthefoxes said:

Los Mineros.

bwahahaha!!! this is awesome. my brother is a huge video game nerd if he hasnt seen this, he will now

Dominoes 6 cheese pizza is so fucking delicious.

that sounds really fucking good. cheese is so overpriced here in korea that i think that a pizza with 6 cheeses would be in the $50 range

  okonomi said:

First world problems.

(Who was it that came up with that term?)

  oOmegaOo said:

maybe it was dismalfuture, but i always reference this thread as the beginning of it.


94 Honda accord white for 1100


96 Honda accord black for 1800?

possibly able to cut a deal with both sellers...

i dont know shit about hondas but the '94. the last car i drove before leaving america was a '94 so im gonna lean that way.

  Lozinski said:
Competed in my first MMA tournament a few days ago!

Smoked a dude in 20 seconds then got beat by this guy after outclassing him for 5 mins :(

Stupid corner told me to keep going for that guillotine choke and I gassed myself out :( :(

awesome man! im 28 years old and once i get this job situation taken care of i really want to enroll in a judo class, not for competitions though, just to know.

  tarotron said:


followed instructions, actually liked what i heard, it kinda made me feel nostalgic.

any way i was so stressed out. i got hired by this company a week ago tell me that i would start Nov 1st, then i get a call today from them telling me that they are not gonna be able to hire me. i tell the manager of the company to talk to the owner again to see what they could do, cause ive already signed contracts and what not. the call me back an hour later telling me that they will hire me. its like what the fuck, if you guys keep playing with my emotions like that some one is liable to get knocked out (metaphorically speaking that is....)

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  crissyw said:
next page next page GO

not that i don't like it its' just interfering with my itunes <3<3

haha holy fuck what the hell is going on

that damn song just came on in the library, while i scrambled to get my speakers down, a bunch of 2nd year med students stared fucking hatred at me no joke. somebody go fucking neg tarotron and fadetodarkness for me

also i just had a haplookalike teach me a clinical correlates class. down to the (NZ?) accent and everything, but didn't dress in gothninjablack, just typical grad student wear

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Are Uniqlo T-000 jeans the same ones shown on the Uniqlo site? The ones listed as "Skinny fit Jeans"? Or are they a separate line of jeans.

For some reason, I find it nearly impossible to find stores selling T-000 when I search it on google, other than actual individuals selling their own pairs.

Superconfessional while I'm at it: I'm only asking this here because no one will answer it anywhere else =(

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