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im babysitting kids and im scared to open up some of my favorite threads on here...so im going to try my hardest not to.

I've got the same feeling, except I'm in the library.

CWG, & the supererotic thread are calling my name.

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So wait.. you want to bailout companies that are so poorly run that they pay out more in retirement benefits than they earn in revenue each month? If you give them money... isn't it just going to go towards paying the retirement benefits and then we're right back in the same situation? What the fuck kind of power do these unions hold over you? How much money have they given to your party and campaign? Fuck.

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You're forgetting the money wasted on luxury retreats, money held on to to leverage purchase companies that didn't receive money, and absolutely no oversight. That's right. We should avoid oversight of billions and billions of dollars to avoid bigger government. Great, borderline retardation all around!

I think people on both sides of the political spectrum agree: stupid.

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Fucking teacher tells me I can't make up my test Thurs. afternoon, and tells me I will only have 30mins Fri. afternoon to make up the test. Upside, I get more time to study; downside, 30mins is not enough to finish that damn test & I'm probably going to have to rush through it and make plenty of mistakes.

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I am learning proper Mandarin pronunciation in Taiwan (an oxymoron). My teachers speak properly, I love it.

After hanging out with my family recently, I've realized why my Mandarin is so "Taiwanese".

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