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i was having a cig/music session on my roof and this shady policeman kept staring at me from the street and then he was like motioning for me to come down and talk to him, i thought i was in trouble or whatever, but all he wanted was a GLASS OF FUCKING WATER AND TO HIT ON ME. it's fucking raining and i'm in my bare feet and it's cold and i had to climb three flights of stairs and to get a lecherous po po A GLASS OF WATER and my A/S/L at 1 IN THE MORNING

what is the world coming to

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rain=ruined shoes, plus i was about to go to bed and even i dont wear my shoes to bed (though i have been known to tuck my alaias to sleep)

music session=listening to ariel pink's worn copy, not phish or incubus

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^disagree, would rather drink pee than wear bad shoes (3)

Well, wearing nice shoes and drinking the good stuff is preferable, but there's a middle ground still waiting to be explored for this chap, between his $700 sneakers and $4.99/6-pack beer.

Like shoes, the cheap stuff will catch up with you over time as well and make you wish you spent just a little more. ;)

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JANE: are you in mexico atm?

policemen there are to be avoided like the freaking plague. I am more ascared of judiciales than shady bums walking the street with a machete in their fist.

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I will be your Canadian president. Just say the word. I sympathize with whitey a fair bit, so I'm a good choice. I can ease your guilt and erase any doubt that you aren't entitled to the world, up there in that big land of yours.

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