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  eNonsense said:

Kiss Me Deadly

any other noir suggestions?

Man, I could go on for days about noir. Let's see:

Double Indemnity, Wilder (probably the noir)

Gun Crazy, Lewis (has one of the best robbery scenes ever)

The Locket, Brahm (is it a true story?)

Pitfall, De Toth (no one really talks about De Toth anymore but this film is really great, seriously)

House of Strangers, Mankiewicz

The Killers, Siodmak

On Dangerous Ground, Ray (one of my top directors)

Raw Deal, Mann (this is what noir looks like, no joke. John Alton is a master of light.)

The Naked City, Dassin (I just love that it's shot on location in NYC in 1948)

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What I've been watching lately...Do you ever get insecure that you're not understanding films sometimes? #realtalk #toomuchwatching

This is a pretty crazy film. It's a filmed opera that takes the notion of a musical to another realm entirely.

The Tales of Hoffmann, 1951:


Finally saw a print of this! Seriously, this film is incredible. Hitchcock understands cinema in a way like none other.

Vertigo, 1958:


Independent film from one of my friends. His new film is in the LA Film festival. Pretty cool that I turned on Sundance and there it was.

Gretchen, 2006:


Rewatched this yesterday. Really forgot how much I liked this film. It kind of makes me like Somewhere more now. Also, Johansson is SO YOUNG.

Lost in Translation, 2003:


Lastly, just watched this morning. It's crazy how they get the comedy to come out of this film. When I watched it this time I was really struck by how much of a drama it is: Macy is fantastic.

Fargo, 1996:


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It's embarrassing how little I've actually seen. I've been trying to step my game up recently. That said, figured Godard was a good place to start. I actually had a lot of fun watching this film: form is really wedded to content here.

Vivre Sa Vie, 1962:


However, I got distracted from the other film I meant to watch today. I rented Antichrist (which I guess I'll watch tomorrow morning) but somehow ended up seeing this trash. Seriously, I don't know what's wrong with the industry today. Even "indie" and "circuit" films have become cliched to the point of where they're just as predictable as mainstream commercial cinema. Do directors even think about how shots affect the audience anymore? #rant

Last Night, 2010:


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  sybaritical said:
I'm thinking a Russian remake of Old Boy would be the hardest & grimmest thing ever committed to celluloid.

shit, I think I did it wrong. I watched the Korean (I think?) version subtitled. Just noticed the poster I uploaded is in russian. It was super rad, totally captivating for some reason. The live octopus scene was dope.

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  i wear shooes said:
12 Monkeys or Apocalypse Now!???

Apocalypse Now, but its even better on a big screen!

  OkayOkay said:
shit, I think I did it wrong. I watched the Korean (I think?) version subtitled. Just noticed the poster I uploaded is in russian. It was super rad, totally captivating for some reason. The live octopus scene was dope.

i think he was saying a russian remake would be amazing! not that there currently is a russian version, but i might be wrong in this assumption

old boy is an fantastic film though!

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  i wear shooes said:
12 Monkeys or Apocalypse Now!???

Apocalypse Now is grandiose, 12 Monkeys is good fun.

  OkayOkay said:
shit, I think I did it wrong. I watched the Korean (I think?) version subtitled. Just noticed the poster I uploaded is in russian. It was super rad, totally captivating for some reason. The live octopus scene was dope.

Old boy is sooooo wicked. It single-handedly got me into Korean film. Also check out: anything/everything else by Chan-wook Pak, The Isle, JSA, Memories of Murder, Silmido, The Host, A Tale of Two Sisters, Bedevilled, A Bitterwseet Life... the list goes on really. Probably the best revenge thrillers ever created.

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days of heaven has been on top of my TV since february

finally got around to it this week

it is a jaw-droppingly beautiful picture

immediately vaulting into my top three favorite films

fucking beautiful, intense, fucked up and sad

with the best voice-overs in cinema that i can think of (and i hate V.O.)

i want to make sex with it permanently

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