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Halloween Ideas


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In the process of cutting my custom fit, handmade bodysuit for my My Little Pony costume for A Nightmare on Treasure Island this year. Hot pink high-waisted hot shorts w/ white sweetheart neck strapless top, and big shredded multicolor tail - all made out of glorious .5mm latex.

Maybe I can get okayokay to be a brony...

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  kvc06 said:
Need a good very cheap couples costume idea

slayex and I are maybe going as my little pony / brony. She'll look sexy as fuck in a revealing latex getup, and I'll look completely awkward and unappealing, perfect.

Gonna try for the far left one in the green shirt, or maybe the fedora wearing white knight on the right side.


wait a minute.

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long-brimmed fedora + white shirt/black slacks + fake payot (hasidic hair, if you didn't know) + full grown facial hair + cheap bacon costume from party city = bad rabbi

might throw a prayer shawl underneath the shirt if i'm able to fashion one out of a scarf. so won't my fellow self-deprecating Jews please stand up, please stand up, please stand up

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