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Dior Homme Denim (FAQ ON FIRST PAGE - read me)


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dunaj thats exactly how my apc sz 26 fit.. like.. exactly.

just try to make sure they don't stretch at the knee too much, or else your gonna get knee bags..

on another note, do you know if that beverly hills store has another size 27 by any chance? if so i might go check it out. i've been looking for some black raws with no designs on the pockets (i don't mind the darts).. i was thinking about the april 77 black raws but i think they wouldn't be thick or stiff enough.

i want something more like my size 26 new standards..

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  freshtakk said:
Can anybody take a stab and guess what kind of jeans these are? (19vs21cm...etc) Maybe even size?
  Fade to Black said:
i'll go against the grain and say 21 cm orange overdyes (F/W 05-06 version), maybe a size 30.

actually i'm pretty positive that's gotta be 21, and at least a 30...if you notice he's fit a wallet into the back pocket. On a 19 cm, even size 30 there's no way you can fit a wallet of that size into your back pocket....

I dont think those can be 21's and a sz 30, if they're 21's I'd say they're around a sz 28 maybe? I would've said 19's too cause the guy looks pretty skinny, and they look quite thight around the knee for example.

my guess is 19 and sz 29 :P

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just washing my jeans, I've worn them for 2½ months but I'm not that interested in wearing them dirty and smelly.. weekends leftover bar stink made up my mind to wash them :P

up untill now I've only soaked them once


pics tomorrow..

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  poopie boy said:
dunaj thats exactly how my apc sz 26 fit.. like.. exactly.

just try to make sure they don't stretch at the knee too much, or else your gonna get knee bags..

on another note, do you know if that beverly hills store has another size 27 by any chance? if so i might go check it out. i've been looking for some black raws with no designs on the pockets (i don't mind the darts).. i was thinking about the april 77 black raws but i think they wouldn't be thick or stiff enough.

i want something more like my size 26 new standards..

i wish my ns 26" fits like that, i think the new standards have a wider leg opening down low than those diors. maybe cures would look like that?

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soooooooooo... i got a pair of the basic dior hommes in a 32. the waist im thinking is gonna be okay, just tight enough, not too tight. i am planning on getting inseam hemmed like three inches maybe. my REAL question here is whether or not i can get them tapered to a more slim leg. would that be a big ordeal/expensive? would it even look right?

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sorry i didnt clarify. i bought the basic 19, not the japanese...no place ive looked has them, and i dont want to have to deal with shipping these back to browns from the US if i can just get them altered a little bit.

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Probably not a good idea to taper, and unless you're really short, I wouldn't hem them either... Minya tried to taper his and he was not happy with it... maybe he'll reply to this thread later...

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holy shit those are really baggy for 19cm's! yeah def do something about them, i'd send them back to browns and order some jap 19cm's from one of the DH stores...

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295 + tax, you might be charged shipping but you might not, I didn't pay shipping.

looks like the thread got merged, nice! hahaha...

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I'd go for a smaller size or the japanese ones.

how did the waist fit you to begin with? if they are lose at all, size down. I had trouble buttoning mine when they were new, I had to pull them really high to close them. now I just washed them and even after shrinking a bit they still fit easily. so as funny as it sounds, a good size in raws is the size which seems too small. even if you cant close the top button they will stetch out right away.

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nxhdc, I dunno what it is, but your fit is off... I'm not talking about them being skin-tight, either, just enough where the overall impression is that the jean is slim, at least... yours aren't doing that... you really ought to hold off on altering those and then see if someone won't swap with you or buy them. You need about a 30, or even a 29. Perhaps even New Cures.

Do they make both Italian and Japanese black raws? I am supposed to get my blacks within the week and was just wondering as I sized down again and am sketching a bit now... I was just assuming the blacks were all Italian made Bruts....

By the by, I only paid about $250 shipped for the black 19's, though they did take about a week and a half to arrive to my house in the US... anyhow, a bit stoked to finally get these after 2 weeks of waiting... in the mean time, we need more pictures of people in the black raws!!!

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glad to see that you finally got your pair. Im still awaiting mine. Its always tough finding that next pair of jeans that you just feel so good in, you can wear everyday. When you finaly find that pair its worth it though.

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  minya said:
I picked up Kumo's/mass's VotC 19cm raws. I just gotta say, FUCK YES. These fit PERFECTLY. FINALLY! God. I swear I'm never going to buy another brand of jeans again.

Those look pretty tight on your thighs/ass, do they impede your movement at all? I ask because I also just got a pair of 19cms yesterday, and mine look like they fit pretty much the same as yours, I wore them all day yesterday and they stretched out a little, but not enough to where I'm totally comfortable in them. Are you planning on those stretching out a bit, or are they not as tight as they look in that picture?

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