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That's true too. Who else is doing this? Do they also have their name in the branding of the garments? I heard there was a company called Self Edge which does collabs with sugar cane as well. Do you know about them?

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the shirts from toyo are very nice. i own a few of them. but i think mfsc are that much better (details , fabric and limited #s). also a reg. toyo shirts are not mass made, but compared to msfc they are. compared to some of these designer brands msfc is not that much, even the usa prices. everybody has to make money. that is the way the world works. design and quality costs.

It seems to me like you are putting a bit more emphasis on the limited numbers than the details/fabric. Limited numbers to me means squat, but fabric/details means a lot more, but I don't think that MFSC is double-the-price-better than a typical toyo chambray shirt in terms of quality and fabric. The designs are a bit more out there and if something in the design meshes with a person's style, then I can see someone paying top dollar for the MFSC goods, but for me they aren't 100% my style so it is hard to justify the price. Although, that mechanic shirt is looking pretty nice and I might be able to justify the price on that shirt to myself by the time Sept. rolls around.

We'll see.

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limited numbers means a lot for a couple reasons. one they have to spread the profits between smaller amounts, there for higher prices. i understand people not caring about limited numbers. but for me, i don't like seeing myself walking down the street. since the msfc pieces are so unique, it helps out that they are not sold at your local macys.

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Fortunately, for me, regular toyo's, or LVC line shirts are not sold at your local macys. But as much as I hate to say it, as cliche and cop out as it is, "to each his own." People will pay what they will and while I like most of the garments in the collection, I will definitely possibly only be picking a single item out of the collection that I will buy. I guess that leaves more for the rest of y'all.

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limited numbers means a lot for a couple reasons. one they have to spread the profits between smaller amounts, there for higher prices. i understand people not caring about limited numbers. but for me, i don't like seeing myself walking down the street. since the msfc pieces are so unique, it helps out that they are not sold at your local macys.

but you can find it at your local JCrew.....

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These last two pages have been a stupid and boring conversation about the merits of certain pieces relative to their price while ignoring the simple fact that the prices in the US are what they are because they come from Toyo, and Toyo has a fairly rigid pricing scheme for the US. Who designs the pieces, where they are manufactured (some Toyo is made in the US), and whether the prices are justifiable compared to other Toyo pieces are simply irrelevant.

I understand that as the price of garments get higher, you stand to save more money by buying from Japan via proxy, but on a percentage basis, that difference is always the same.

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Ahhh, stupid and boring huh? Good to hear. I was over the conversation until you brought it up again.

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i'm still trying to find a large also.

just throwing this out there.... but is anyone interested in the first series peacoat in a raw medium worn once (unsoaked)?


Thank you PETEROCK1! I can't wait till this gets here and will definitely be comparing it to my second Liberty Issue denim Pea Coat.

And just to let everyone know I have a brand new Mister Freedom Denim Pea Coat "Liberty Issue (Second edition with wool lining) in a size 42 that is unworn that I want to trade for a size 40 or sell now that I have a medium of the first edition coming. I really would like to either trade it for a size smaller or trade it for the Mister Freedom Foul Weather Coat. If I get no interest I'll be putting it up on the SUFU Market in some time.


I want this Bronco champ with the logo and no stars, but the price and dual color scheme are throwing me off. How is the quality of this going to compare to a company like Eastman Leather? I don't doubt the quality or details of this jacket for one second, but you can buy a premium heavy duty ANJ-4 (Two different jackets with two different purposes obviously) from Eastman for about less than half the price of this Bronco Champ.

Does anyone else feel the dual color schemes would be hard to pull off? Oddly enough I think the red sleeved one would be the easiest to pull off seeing as the red would fade to a natural pinkish with time and the brown sleeved one seems far too poo colored. Haha. Just kidding.


The Mulholland Master and Mechanic shirt are "Instant Buys" day one. Of course if I don't haves the bones I'll be getting the Mulholland Master over anything else. I'm absolutely in love with corded cotton vintage jackets. Such an amazing material. So hard wearing, comfortable, and attractive. I would love to see more indigo dyed corded cotton Deck Jackets and the like.


I still feel like Rider's Dungarees are a "Need to Buy", but these angles and shots of them make them seem awkward and unappealing. Every photograph I have seen of Christophe wearing them and the products shots have made them seem incredibly attractive. Seeing them from behind and worn in photographs of them make them considerably less so attractive.

My opinions on each photograph are contained within the quote.

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Dude, those sweatshirts are also dope. Do they come with or without that logo on the chest?

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the sweatshirt is the only "instant buy" for me. you can get it with or without the logo on the chest. i will be getting it without. definitely grey. possibly brown and/or navy. if i like more than one, i will probably have to order from japan. LA dudes wanna talk group buy?

mechanic shirt is nice, but looks like my chambray with different details that i don't like as much.

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How much is the sweatshirt without the logo?

Looks a little superheroish with it...

Why does he have to put his logo on everything? They clothes plain look okay and sometimes pretty damn good. But with the logo they turn start to look as I've said before EdHardyish

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The logos are for the "motorcycle club" style as members of clubs put patches on everything and if you read the story this line is based on a non existant biker club, that's why. All three sweatshirts are a go for me (the brown and navy sweatshirts are dyed and designed to fade with age, fuck yes) the jeans will probably be the only item I buy from the MF shop (as they will be the only place other than SE to get raw) both the jackets are a japan buy, the mulhulland master first and maybe if I have the money and they're still around I'll get the brown one with the full appliqué cause yeah, it's that badass, mechanics shirt could be a pass, but probably not, backpack is MINE that thing is a gift from the heavens, maybe grab one of each of the "club shirts" from rakuten, and probably the greaser cap. I'm so stoked on this line, and will be seriously bummed if he doesn't continue with the motorcycle theme next season.

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There a no measurements for big sizes as they haven't been made yet, according to the MF shop, but they dd say these sweatshirts were designed for Americans, not Japanese people a la buzz rickson. The shirts are loopwheeled and will shrink if you wash them it hot water, but from what I gather they are normal sized, maybe even a bot generous in the width and shoulder. Whenever measurements for larger sizes come in they're going to be emailed to me and then I will post them up on here, as I am worried about a few item (I.E. The bronco champ only bring made up to 42 and a "super slim fit")

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the sweatshirt is the only "instant buy" for me. you can get it with or without the logo on the chest. i will be getting it without. definitely grey. possibly brown and/or navy. if i like more than one, i will probably have to order from japan. LA dudes wanna talk group buy?

mechanic shirt is nice, but looks like my chambray with different details that i don't like as much.

Do we get deals for group buys. If I can get a deal, it's a go, if not then, it looks like hinoya is my joint. I hate circumventing local shops like SE and MF, but otherwise, I can't justify buying these clothes. Shits a little too rich for my blood. **As I loosen and tug on my collar.**

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Do we get deals for group buys. If I can get a deal, it's a go, if not then, it looks like hinoya is my joint. I hate circumventing local shops like SE and MF, but otherwise, I can't justify buying these clothes. Shits a little too rich for my blood. **As I loosen and tug on my collar.**

i agree 100%. i'd prefer to give my $$ to MF > SE > JP but i've also got bills and common sense to consider.

now that akuma says the brown and navy fade with age... it's likely i'll be buying more than one.

savings on group buy would mostly be to split shipping costs...

actually...ummm, PM'd.

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Sweet, so do they do some manufacturing on site in LA?

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Yeah the riders cap is made there and the boots that may be in next season are bing made there, also most of the tags and the branding and such are made there, also they aren't sure if japan will be getting the same selection as their store (i.e. Japan might only get sweatshirts with patchs, or may not have all 5 variations of the bronco jacket) so it's now just a wait to see what's available where, everybody at the MF has been super helpful and patient with this season and ven wet as far as to tell me to "get the stuff however you can, whether it's from us or japan" because they do understand there's a huge price difference, and I think that's really respectful and awesome

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Thanks Akuma! I'm not a fat ass, just taller than most.

Same here - I'm just a bigger, more athletic looking guy. I wasn't that self conscious about my size until I started getting into japanese made clothing. :(

...on a side note, one more time - what's the rough estimate on when the new line will be available? I am angling for at least a couple of pieces(sweatshirt, pants, maybe the mechanics shirt) but it sure would be nice to have enough saved up for that Mullholand jacket - that thing is boss!

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I really like the use of the word "boss."

that is enough to garner some pos rep from me.

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