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ranch blouse in j8, size 38. not 100% on the sizing. fits me pretty well throughout, but i need to cuff the arms once cause they're just too long. what do you all think? sorry for the grainy pics, the weather outside was frightful.




Bonus pic of the mm; i wish the ranch jacket fit this well!


Edited by arcarsenal
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Fit looks good arcarsenal. The arms on my ranch blouse are a bit long but with gathering and moulding to your arms over time, hopefully should be ok.Love the way the 'M' stitching on the pockets shows up nicely in contrast to the dark fabric material.

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thanks, big truck. i soaked the hell of of the jacket in an attempt to shrink it as much as possible. after the first two times the water was this beautiful shade of blue, with a subtle purple hue. out of the box i was really impressed with how dark blue/true indigo the j8 was. pretty happy with it.

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arcarsenal, both fits are great!

agreed, jeans also look like a very nice fit btw...

i need to pickup one of those lot44 californians, what's the deal on sizing, same as lot54 or are they wider?

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Thanks guys. Your nice words encouraged me to wear it into the office today, cuffs and all. I do agree that the arms do seem to run long on a lot of these.

Probably going to have to take off the jacket soon though, I'm turning my white desk blue...

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Here's my 6 month old MF Midnight CPO. Just got its first wash after 4 day a week wear.

wish i could afford one of those...

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thanks, big truck. i soaked the hell of of the jacket in an attempt to shrink it as much as possible. after the first two times the water was this beautiful shade of blue, with a subtle purple hue. out of the box i was really impressed with how dark blue/true indigo the j8 was. pretty happy with it.

looks good,i have wookie arms so for me the generous length is fine

i got a 42 and it was massive,it got a hot bath bath and it has come down to a true 42

dont remember what denim i got but the water went brown rather than blue/green as did my 54s

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The Troy is a bit fancy for my liking. I'm not really a clothes horse so prefer something a little more Spartan in style.

" not really a clothes horse" says you on a clothing forum you cheeky little troll you.

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