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I have the one wash deck jacket bought from JP and personally I think the different for one wash version is little softer. But the main reason for me is because the exchange rate was still good at the time and save around $100-$150.

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prepare the neg rep:

Is it just me, or is most of Mr. Freedom stuff really ugly, anti-fit un-classifiable non-repro-repro?

I think to some degree you are right... MF is definitely not mainstream.. and some people look like retards wearing one piece from MF.... the key to MF is synergy.... you really need a swagger to pull it off, and you need the whole outfit.... e.g. californians with Jordans would look REALLY weird

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Actually Californians are the most normal pair of jeans that MF has released.

My main problem with MF stuff is that the collections don't really work well together. Well the naval stuff and the 40s biker stuff don't go together well. So to pull off MF you need to buy a lot of one collection or have some serious swagger.

But I definitely don't think the stuff is ugly or anti-fit. It's a bit awkward, but beautiful in its own right.

I am an MF convert. I actually bought more MF garments when I didn't dig the stuff than I have since I started really appreciating what he has done.

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prepare the neg rep:

Is it just me, or is most of Mr. Freedom stuff really ugly, anti-fit un-classifiable non-repro-repro?

On the contrary, I think MF is some of the best fitting stuff I have ever worn. And I'm tall and skinny. I can't wear most repro shirts because they are too boxy with sleeves that are too short. MF shirts are nice and slim, with arms that are plenty long. To me, there's something nice about being 'unclassifiable'.

I can see your point RNR about the two collections not really going together, but I don't know that that was the intent. I have maybe 8-9 pieces from Naval tailor, but only the black MM from Speed Safe, and I bought that primarily for actually riding my motorcycle.

Oh, and ThisSunday- I haven't done anything with the Edo Ai patch from my 7161s. I'm saving it for a special patch job, like elbows of my pea coat. I do plan to start making some stuff out of Cone Mills selvage denim once the weather turns and I am stuck inside more often.

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prepare the neg rep:

Is it just me, or is most of Mr. Freedom stuff really ugly, anti-fit un-classifiable non-repro-repro?

I guess I would say that it's not just you. But then I would say (even though it's never not pretentious to say this) that maybe you don't get what he's trying to do.

I think that the fits are an important part of MF's outsider-art aesthetic. Not that Loiron is an outsider, but that the characters who make his collections are outsiders (in many ways).

Many of the fits have plenty of historical precedent but aren't especially fashionable right now. For instance the 1940s trouser silhouette of the Rider dungies. Not too diff't to Bill's Khakis or the Dickie's 1922 work chinos that are floating around the internet.

"Non-repro-repro" is exactly what Mr.F is about. I have never been able to find this exact quote after first reading it, but in an interview Loiron said that he wants to make "historically plausible" clothes, but not historical reproductions. Hence all the song and dance about a merchant sailor having tailors make his clothes at every port, or a group of brothers starting a motorcycling apparel line. The uncompromising faithfulness to these characters and accurate historical production makes me respect the line as a piece of art and Mr. Loiron as an artist. Even if I never buy a piece of the collection I still appreciate that.

Also, that same stubbornness about period-accurate fits and construction make it MUCH more believable when Loiron talks about "classic style," as opposed to all the companies that make "classic clothes with updated fits." If it's already classic, why change it? (I'm objecting to the rhetoric, not the practice.)

And finally--some of the clothes are really weird, I totally agree. Really, really weird. But interesting!

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Totally agree with mtchfrnk and rnr. Chubby, I can't see myself wearing much of any MF either, but, I really love looking at the stuff. I mean, "normal" (whatever that means) aesthetics aside, when you look at the fabric, material, and the overall construction- it's hard to knock it. It is consistently a well-curated collection of wearable art. CL's work may seem anachronistic, but you could say that about a lot of brands these days!

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Actually Californians are the most normal pair of jeans that MF has released.

My main problem with MF stuff is that the collections don't really work well together. Well the naval stuff and the 40s biker stuff don't go together well. So to pull off MF you need to buy a lot of one collection or have some serious swagger.

But I definitely don't think the stuff is ugly or anti-fit. It's a bit awkward, but beautiful in its own right.

I am an MF convert. I actually bought more MF garments when I didn't dig the stuff than I have since I started really appreciating what he has done.

I think the two collections can co-exist. It's a challenge but it can work. For example, Zissou's 7161s would look great with a mechanic's sweatshirt. I wear my dungarees and vest together. therelativity looks good in her 7163s and Barbour International, which is similar enough to the Mulholland. If I decide to get a pair of 7163s, I'll probably wear them with my Breezer. If I had a Foul Weather coat, I'd definitely pair it with my dungarees. The naval chambrays & peacoat can work with anything.

Can you rock the leather jacket and shore jeans? Definitely not, but those are two of the more obscure pieces. I don't think I've seen any fit pics of those shore jeans. Did anyone here pick them up? Footwear is definitely a key part to merging the two collections.

Now that a few of you guys have the Californians, when is someone going to get that leather casquette? That's what I'm waiting to see


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i have to jump into this discussion and just say that MF makes statement pieces, theme based yes, but non the less statement. ive always believed if someone where to be decked out fully in MF head to toe, it would be a costume. Now on the other hand, like previously stated an MF piece worn with Nikes or Jordans, or anything to modern, technical or athletic is just down right out of context.

Now, if you happen to subscribe to a certain theme of dress or concept of design, MF is perfect. One of his pieces worn in the right context with other, less period correct, but still "vintage" clothing it shines. Thats what a statement piece does! Anyone decked out fully in MF would look like an extra from Benjamin Buttons just like someone head to toe in Rick Owens might look like a vampire!

Statement pieces directly translate or showcase ones personal style while blending into other, similar yet way lower key, clothing.

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Totally agree with mtchfrnk and rnr. Chubby, I can't see myself wearing much of any MF either, but, I really love looking at the stuff.

I did feel the same way, untill the mechanics shirt and the californian jeans, imho those jeans are wearable with almost anything.

that'll probably be the only two MF pieces I'll ever buy, Californians will be mine next saturday! :D

now to hunt down a blue mechanics shirt in size L...

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I used to think that a lot the Mr. Freedom stuff was too theatrical, and tricky to wear on a daily basis, but over time I've become more and more appreciative of the great, slightly cartoony design. Like what you would expect Popeye to wear on shore leave.

I think it does require that you look like you don't know that you're wearing anything slightly odd when you're wearing it to truly pull it off, but really, almost any kind of interesting clothing does.

Now when they make anything that doesn't look outside of the norm, like the Californians, those are the Mister Freedom pieces that look odd to me.

And yeah, where is the Greaser Cap? Zissou & El topo, you know you have it. C'mon.

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Hah, I don't have the greaser cap, Roy. You're probably the one person on here who I could picture wearing it. You or Edmond.

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I used to think that a lot the Mr. Freedom stuff was too theatrical, and tricky to wear on a daily basis, but over time I've become more and more appreciative of the great, slightly cartoony design. Like what you would expect Popeye to wear on shore leave.

I think it does require that you look like you don't know that you're wearing anything slightly odd when you're wearing it to truly pull it off, but really, almost any kind of interesting clothing does.

Now when they make anything that doesn't look outside of the norm, like the Californians, those are the Mister Freedom pieces that look odd to me.

And yeah, where is the Greaser Cap? Zissou & El topo, you know you have it. C'mon.

Agreed. It's like the clothing adorning models in a Jean-Paul Gaultier aftershave advert.

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Hey, I'm looking for a Signal Vest in a size large. If anyone has one hanging in their closet feeling ignored and unloved, do it a favor an pm me.

The beast has risen to rear its ugly head!!

People listen to the man or heads will roll.

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