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It told me that I need to spread some rep around for tmadd.

tmadd: you bring up good points and I think you elevated the conversation, from "Its ugly" "No its badass." I for one am trying not to call people brand whores, but I bring the statement up because that is what it would take for me to purchase this jacket. I love most of what Mister Freedom does, but I have never bought an article of clothing. I know what would happen to me if I did. I would need to garble up every last item. I see these things in myself and attempt to supress them. This jacket, for me, jumps out of the collection as being an outlier. Anyways I am over this jacket and talking about it, but thanks for keeping the conversation civil.

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WellAell said tmadd. Vintage clothing interests me greatly, but rarely can I ever wear any due to my tall lanky build. I never have found and probably never again will find amother clothing label that is so brilliantly designed (e.g., taking authentic bits here and there and putting them together to make something truly unique) and meticulously constructed (thank you, TOYO) out of materials that are very true to the 'vintage' character of the garment. Not to mention that they actually fit me well! So, if getting excited about stuff like that might give the perception that I might be a brand whore, I am ok with it.

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Interesting questions...

I may try and pick up that mulholland master jacket as my first MF piece, depending on the price.

As far as brandwhoring goes, I think it ultimately comes down to whether you can pull the pieces off and how many you can pull off at the same time. Not going to name names, but there are definitely some fit pics in this thread where the whole aesthetic just looks completely forced and unnatural.

I think Christophe's line and "vision" for his brand is something that pretty much everyone on SuFu appreciates, but appreciating a theme is only half the equation; I need to look good, natural, and comfortable in the clothes to make them worth the buy. In my opinion, the more pieces you wear from 1 brand, the harder this becomes.

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tmadd, can't rep but i like the direction you've taken this discussion. though i'm a bit upset that my comments have been lumped in with others. i was the first to say that christophe is "[not] susceptible to the opinions of hollywood rock posers," but i also said it is "not working in 2009."

because it's not.

i don't think it's as important to delineate between "brand loyalty" and "brand whoredom" as it is to identify why you're loyal in the first place. i think most of the people on this forum are loyal to "Quality" whether perceived or real. though people often lambast apc, nudie, et al, i've don't recall anyone ever saying "sugar cane is way better than eternal" or whatever. people will buy across several japanese denim brands in favor of particular cuts, weights, dyes, whatever. the loyalty is to the quality, not the label.

if/when those brands' quality begins to slip, issue is taken - look at the debates in the LVC thread, or even the mere title of the evisu thread!

mister freedom has already earned my respect and "loyalty" in that i will always pay attention to what christophe designs under that label. now here's where i have to draw the line: if you accept a product, not on its own merits, but because it has a particular label sewn inside, "you need to check yourself." maybe that's what separates the "loyal" from the "whores."

if anyone else produced this jacket, be it aero, levi's, supreme, prada, or some shop on melrose or hollywood blvd, NO ONE on this forum would give a shit. and it doesn't have to do with the quality of the sourced leather.

mister freedom produces a lot of stuff i can't see myself wearing, but i appreciate from an aesthetic/design/directional/whatever perspective. i'm only offering my opinion that i do not appreciate this jacket from any perspective. it's odd to feel such jarring disapproval for a piece within a line i have such respect for. that's all.

final remarks:

1. someone earlier said that the point of these jackets was to put your own patches on... i think this bears repeating and possibly further discussion. perhaps this jacket (without stars) could be customized in a way to make it presentable.

2. along the same lines, all clothing morphs in the hands of the wearer. granted, christophe isn't producing clothes for wannabe rockstars, but if they're the ones who buy this jacket, that's the new demographic of mister freedom consumers. everyone should watch this: http://www.ted.com/index.php/talks/charles_leadbeater_on_innovation.html

3. you're still getting the cheeseburger if i see you in this. ;)

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i just found this pic from a free&easy issue from 95.

seems thats where christophe got the inspiration for the jacket.

i dont see whats wrong with the jacket. this guy is making some of the best products and his design is spot on. so no matter if some do like the last jacket or not lets be happy someone like christophe existe!!

sounds a bit pathetic but thats how i am sometimes


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That's the jacket that the MFSC leather jacket is based off, Christophe wore that thing for years, i tried it (the one he's wearing in the photo above) on while in Japan in May, it was comfortable and i could seen why he'd want to make his own version. You become attached to a garment, you love it, and you want it to live on, so as a designer you recreate it.

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Anyone know where that picture was taken from? Physical location, not publication.

looks like one of the turnouts on mulholland dr. towards the east end of it, near the 101. might not be on mulholland, but that's definitely shot facing southeast towards downtown LA from the hills. and i know there are views/turnouts like that along mulholland, and it fits the vibe, so...

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looks like one of the turnouts on mulholland dr. towards the east end of it, near the 101. might not be on mulholland, but that's definitely shot facing southeast towards downtown LA from the hills. and i know there are views/turnouts like that along mulholland, and it fits the vibe, so...

Thanks, I think I'll go look for it.

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Mulholland is a good drive on a sunny day.

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i just found this pic from a free&easy issue from 95.

seems thats where christophe got the inspiration for the jacket.

i dont see whats wrong with the jacket. this guy is making some of the best products and his design is spot on. so no matter if some do like the last jacket or not lets be happy someone like christophe existe!!

sounds a bit pathetic but thats how i am sometimes


Don't see it jiving with the current tend of depresion era basics.... BORING... If you can go..........GO!

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Sorry to keep harping, but calling that jacket "Depression Era Basics" is way off...

It's totally Late 60's -1970's looking. Captain America could have worn that jacket instead of his flag jacket and nobody would have noticed.

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Don't see it jiving with the current tend of depresion era basics.... BORING... If you can go..........GO!

happy, please read thoroughly before making statements - nobody called the jacket a " depression era basic".

at least I do not read the comment above in that way.

I actually thought of captain america too, when I saw that post.

to me it looks like a reason why christophe came to the us - freedom, lifestyle represented in the according fashion.

I bet he had such a leather jacket in his mind since he was a kid!

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The Jacket is Badass. I think the haters....

Don't see it jiving with the current tend of depresion era basics.... BORING... If you can go..........GO!

Sorry, I guess I misread that...?

How did you read that?

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i read it that the jacket is a departure from the trend of the typical depression era basics.

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happy, please read thoroughly before making statements - nobody called the jacket a " depression era basic".

at least I do not read the comment above in that way.

I actually thought of captain america too, when I saw that post.

to me it looks like a reason why christophe came to the us - freedom, lifestyle represented in the according fashion.

I bet he had such a leather jacket in his mind since he was a kid!

Is Christophe from france?

I don't know. If he is it would be quite ironic, because william klein, the director of "Mr.Freedom" moved from the US to France because he was so disenchanted and fed up with America.

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