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superconfessional II: the sequel


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  • 1 month later...

Last week in Tokyo I was shitfaced and acted a fool as usual.

Was riding the metro with the son of a right wing nationalist. There was a gaijin whose ethnicity/race I won't mention. It was really dumb but I kept yelling at him to go back to where he came from and that he smelled like shit in jap.

Too my surprise he replied in perfect jap "do I really stink that much?"

Right wing son of nationalist told him in broken english "yes u smell many badly."

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  • 2 weeks later...

You ever get to a point were you've been depressed for so long that you just get tired of it? I think i'm there now. Not in a suicidal way but i feel like i can't really get any sadder at this point. For some odd reason i've found happiness in that. I laugh at jokes on the tv again, i bump my head to songs on the radio, i've got my appetite back and i'm dreaming about the future again. 


I know some of that is little shit but honestly it was the little things i missed the most. hopefully this lasts. This is going to last. 

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I think sometimes. I hold people in too high of a regard. To the point that when they say things to me in certain ways i clam up and feel like there is a hole being stomped into me. 

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pretty sure someone's mentioned this/something along the lines before either in this thread or the last


My fairly recent interest/obsession with clothing, how someone dresses, being fit, etc is most likely a thin veil trying to cover deeply rooted insecurities. Used to be that chubby nerdy kid, quiet in class. Grew out of it but social skills can use some improvements.


Also, no superficial attempt I make will most likely give me the validation I crave beyond anonymous image boards and random forums with complete strangers.


Gotta say writing all that down is kinda enlightening, feeling pretty good actually.

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  On 10/2/2014 at 5:48 PM, e0d9n0b5 said:

hes 22


goddamnit i wish; go back in time and punch younger me in the fucking face about the really cruel and stupid shit i did later on 

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  On 10/4/2014 at 4:53 PM, tac0tron said:

I gotta take a break from weed.. Last night I took a joke seriously out of paranoia and I think I might have fell asleep while on the phone with my gf..

after another paranoid filled night, I'm starting my break today.
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I get bored of things / people as soon as I feel they've given me a form of validation, as soon as a female begins to like me I can't be bothered, same with friends. I think that's why I'm not bored of fashion forums (nor my parents, lol), because there'll always be someone to criticise you or not give me validation. It's really sad / autistic. 

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  On 10/6/2014 at 8:43 PM, 01100011 said:

I get bored of things / people as soon as I feel they've given me a form of validation, as soon as a female begins to like me I can't be bothered, same with friends. I think that's why I'm not bored of fashion forums (nor my parents, lol), because there'll always be someone to criticise you or not give me validation. It's really sad / autistic. 

i'm sure a lot of people feel the same, all the build up to get a girls affection, soon as u got it ur bored haha. 

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  On 10/7/2014 at 4:39 AM, thefuture said:

i'm sure a lot of people feel the same, all the build up to get a girls affection, soon as u got it ur bored haha. 


when a relationship of 7 years ended, she was never more beautiful than when she was telling me to fuck off.

weird, right?

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  On 10/7/2014 at 4:39 AM, thefuture said:

i'm sure a lot of people feel the same, all the build up to get a girls affection, soon as u got it ur bored haha.

I've never really tried to get a girls affection. Most of the girls I've dated were random meetings at the bar or club or some shit... And usually I wasn't even thinking about approaching them. I met my wife in 1999 at a drum and bass night at a club in gainesville... From the moment we met we've been inseparable... except for the years we were divorced...
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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

A friend of mine just got engaged to his girlfriend. The kid is in grad school but his parents are extremely wealthy, and all his life he's been lavished with money, receiving an M3 in highschool, and just having access to capital a 35-year-old would envy.  Instead of being happy for him, or for her, I just...I don't know. I just responded with this horrible, terrible bitterness and kept talking shit about the ring (huge fuckin ring), the girl, the lifestyle...and rightfully got called out for it.


It doesn't help that I'm working my ass off at 28  and know that he's just started his program and doesn't have the cash to finance his lifestyle and it's all his parents' money that's allowing him to live this life that I've been working for these last 5 years.  I know it's jealousy, but... jesus, I didn't know I had that kind of bitterness rooted so deep in my heart. 


I moved across the country to a city I don't particularly think is all that great for school, gave up potential careers and just wasn't available for my family or friends most of the year and I feel that life is passing me by as I spend most of it studying or working.  I probably just need to talk to a shrink about this but #yolo. 


edit: and honestly I don't know why I'm telling you fucks about this, but thanks for putting up with a wall of bullshit alcohol-fueled miasma. 

Edited by lola swagpoodle
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Well, you know where it's coming from..

If you are 28 and still in school that's a choice you made to get a higher education that will hopefully pay off in the end and will get you to do something that you love.

Now go and apologize to the groom to be.. He is making  a choice. Be happy for him and at that age he will probably need you in 10 years time ..

Edited by aso2004
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girl i knew from high school who was moderately cute but largely unassuming has somehow become a "fashion enthusiast" blogger with 9k followers on instagram + obv looks much better now, too. (while she dresses painfully trendy and all that and very "counter sufu" i can't really hate as we were on okay terms and she was nice, intelligent girl)
weird what occurs in the interim of disconnection

confession here is a lackadasical "she could totally get it" if my life were in a different place right now. as in. but it has me feeling all sorts of wrong 'cause it's tough to reconcile with my high school memories of her.

carry on

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