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What'd you do last night?...


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was fucking a paid whore named jane.. im not sure if thats her real name but man she's one hot motha from mexico.. se habla espanol? le hija de puta

dude it's never their real name

why do you think every hooker in wan chai is named something like fong fong, yan yan or cindy? It's always the same 10 names man i must have like a thousand people on my phone list who i no longer had a clue who they were so i just erased it and start over

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Guest bloodlust

I went to this party but it was lame as fuck. This girl who's throwing the party knows the sketchiest people of all (dirty arabs) and she doesn't have any girl friends. There was only 3 girls, what a sausage-fest that was.

And there's this lebanese faggot who only has eyebrows (bald, no facial, light-skin), he's hella ackward staring at people and talkin with weird german accent fuck! He looked like that villain from Austin Powers, I swear! Austin_Powers_Mike_Myers_as_Dr_Evil.jpg

He's all over that girl that's hosting the party touching her and shit, it was disgusting as fuck!

Party with Dirty-arabs? NEVER AGAIN, and if you're thinkin about doing it, DON'T! It's worse than killing the jews.

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Last night I went out with some buddies and some new friends out to a local night club for the first time. The experience was mediocre considering I'm not much of a confident dancer haha and approaching random girls to dance is awkward for me if I haven't had some draanks (only 18, so couldn't buy any). The music and vibes were good though. Looking forward to hitting up so clubs in the SD and LA areas, any suggestions for 18+ nightlife in the Riverside, LA, or SD areas? Into hip-hop type joints, wooord.

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i bought some scratch offs, went home ran some hot water. jumped in the tub and opened a couple veins. scotch scotch and then another scotch before i finished the first.


no, just stayed in and worked on my screenplay. then dissected my growing anime collection.:mad::mad:

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Last night one of my cousins got married (groom), but his family is kind of estranged from the rest of the family so only the grooms father's brothers and sisters were invited, while the brides whole family came (aunts, uncles and cousins.)

So since none of us cousins were invited we had our own party, and it turned out to be a lot of fun. It's still sort of sad though, I would have much rather seen my cousin get married.

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went to a friend's house.....

had a mix, watched the eagles get absolutely smashed, and had a bbq.

You a WC fan JPGM? I didnt think there was anyone else into footy on sufu?:confused:

weegs are having a shithouse season, but cant really say I feel sorry fo them.:o

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Hung out with a friend of mine: Korean BBQ, coffee, Japanese lessons.

She of course is Japanese, and engaged to some idiot marine.

I think she is getting tired of never seeing the dude, and we both flirt a lot.

Damn she needs it, and damn I want to break her off extra special.

But for last night, just BBQ, coffee, and blue balls.


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You a WC fan JPGM? I didnt think there was anyone else into footy on sufu?:confused:

weegs are having a shithouse season, but cant really say I feel sorry fo them.:o

yeah dude.....things just keep getting worse. you couldntve scripted the dramas of the last 3 years.

who do you support...?

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that game on saturday was fucking atrocious.

it was like watching the local schoolboys reserve team playing....the kickouts in the first 1/4 were a complete joke. sad times for WCE :(

last night...

had a meeting and finalised some shiz with a label....

the wheels are finally in motion and plans in place which is great.

had a lovely dinner with my gf and her family....ate copious amounts of chinese roast pork. hung out for a while and had a bit of a teary moment with her. im not looking forward to her moving to sydney :(

then i came home and studied. i cant wait til my last exam is over on wednesday.

europe, here i come....

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