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i havent had sex for 4 months and i think i might need a trash bag instead of a condom.

next week you gonna find out if a trash bag was enough. i'd go with 2 if i was you.

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Good karma as in, do something nice for someone & you might be helped in the future when you need it most.

i heard a story once that on the freeway, someone drove off the side of the road because there was sand on the road or something slippery to the extent that they would lose control. so a good samaritan pulled over to see if they were okay, and at the time that he went out to check on them, the good samaritan gets hit by a (different) car who happened to "slide" off the road as well. the people who he went to go check were alive and fine. :( sucks.

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I am pulling a very rare true all nighter, and Im practically ill with anxiety about this paper. I raaaarely finish anything before at least midnight the day before its due, but I also am always finished the day before, I've never done anything morning of..

But I srsly don't know if I can finish this bitch on time :'( :'(

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I brought this like 5lb bag of jelly beans to give to people at work after coming back from a trip to the states.

But when I got here this morning, they all looked sad, and the same, and it was depressing.

So instead of sharing the jelly beans. I stashed them in my desk and am already 3/4ths of the way done with it.

they don't even know what the're missing.


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Stiff and jaded, I'm starched and raw

Sitting, nitpicking at my slubby flaws

Underneath, I wanna give all I've got left

Offering more promise than rare golden weft

But with 21oz heft, I'm too heavy a burden

As water to denim, what's "proper" is hurtin'

Soakin' in predicament, I wallow 'n bleed

Hoping for some contrast for the world to see

Is it that hard to show you I care?

Just too worn and torn by your everyday wear


Big fight with my friend today. It sucks when they bite back at the hand that "feeds" them.

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holy shit i just watched the last episode ever of trl. i got sad. i totally remember all those moments! i remember all the kids talking about britney when she first came out with hit me baby one more time, launching endless dirty dreams.

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due to this whole strike thing going on at york, it's a bitch to get to classes (my college has their building on york's campus). my crazy ex (engaged after a month, lies to said fiance to hang out / talk to me) offered me her keys to her little student house that's basically on campus. I know it's not a good idea so I've so far turned it down numerous times... but damnit, if this strike goes on for long, I may get sick of this stupid near-2-hour (one way) commute.

Cinderella, you can dooooooo it!

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