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Not necessarily against dogs and cats.... but they're stupid enough to try to make THEM vegan too. I can't imagine a vegan dog has the greatest life expectancy

As for WOOL... fuck I was just joking. They really think that shearing a sheep is cruel? That's fucked. They don't SKIN it... ITS A FUCKIN HAIRCUT. (ditto cashmere and angora)

Milking a cow is also hardly cruel... but it's out cuz almost all male calves get slaughtered as unwanted.

Riding a horse? I suppose breaking one isn't exactly the gentlest process... plus there's all the leather in the tack?

If the scientific community manages to produce petri-dish beef, will THAT be okay? No animal slaughter there, no cruelty.

Sidenote-BBQ chip sandwich is fucking hilarious.

Okay... I'm gumming up this thread with no confessions to contribute

Ummm... I just broke things off with a very cool, beautiful girl (who I know wants to marry me, but won't say it) cuz I don't like the way she smells.

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kid who works for me has the best vegan excuse i've ever heard:

"so i can get skinny and fuck those hipster bitches."

anyway, vegan lifestyle is not healthy as non-animal proteins are incomplete and have a low-biological value. and soy gives men tits.

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kid who works for me has the best vegan excuse i've ever heard:

"so i can get skinny and fuck those hipster bitches."

anyway, vegan lifestyle is not healthy as non-animal proteins are incomplete and have a low-biological value. and soy gives men tits.

rice and beans combined will contain complete protiens. of course, a steak tastes better

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anyway, vegan lifestyle is not healthy as non-animal proteins are incomplete and have a low-biological value. and soy gives men tits.

that's not true. first, you already have man tits, and you can get all of the proteins from non-animal sources. my best friend has been vegan for maybe 7-8 years and eats only raw food for maybe 3 and she's perfectly healthy.

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Ummm... I just broke things off with a very cool, beautiful girl (who I know wants to marry me, but won't say it) cuz I don't like the way she smells.

so buy her perfume, tell her it's your favorite on girls... and if she decides to wear it-give her a lot of compliments and be extra "about her"... if she doesn't wear it, she doesn't want to marry you... so get rid of her smelly, beautiful, cool ass.

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vegans etc tend to not like wool because it involves the domestication of the sheep. Peta hates wool because commericla sheep farmers dock the tails of their lambs to keep them pest-free. allllll stupi

putting dogs and cats on vegan diets is cruelty, in my opinion. It isnt fair. a dog isnt making "lifestlye choices"

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Guest Phrost

if vegans only knew they themselves are domesticated sheep.....i will thaw a steak in the fridge to show my appreciation for malnourished vegans in the continental us and parts of china. wish me luck.

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I should have asked dismalfuture about dealing with very bitchy female korean nightclub owners. Oh well. Problem resolved.

nothing helps, when it's bitchy korean females, except for money.

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yes. because unless her asshole smells like persimmons, it's not worth your time.

True, but we get all our meat from industrial animal farms which are just fucking nasty places that make all the other places around them unlivable and nasty too. Plus cows use too much water and too much grain, so the whole thing is one unsustainable cluster fuck.

I'd like to go vegetarian but I can't feed myself or get enough protein without turkey.

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you could've said that she wasn't being a good christian and she was going to hell, that is like the trump card.

Yeah but she was like a corny korean broad. With a stupid heart tattoo on her left wrist. And she was cursing a lot at me which you're not supposed to do in a professional setting. Oh well, its all done now. Never working for that beast from hell anywayz.

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