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werd, is it possible to give superfuture an excel spreadsheet background? that would be sweet.

and we have a company big wig coming in for a meeting on Friday so no casual Friday...WTF??? he works here..he doesnt know we have casual Fridays???

and I hate when people knock on my cubicle....oh sorry...workstation....you see a fuckin DOOR!?!?!!? just say, hi....blah blah blaghblah blah

gotta go finish my TPS reports!!

no...noo.......thats my STAPLER!!!!!!!!

yeah... we're moving you to the basement.

....yeah.... could you move your desk a little more towards the back? yeah... that's just great.

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and I hate when people knock on my cubicle....oh sorry...workstation....you see a fuckin DOOR!?!?!!? just say, hi....blah blah blaghblah blah

I do this to people who don't have doors. If I just walk up and say hello I feel like I'm sneaking up on them. Maybe you've changed my ways, dunkin.


the guy who has an office (but no $$)

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I do this to people who don't have doors. If I just walk up and say hello I feel like I'm sneaking up on them. Maybe you've changed my ways, dunkin.


the guy who has an office (but no $$)

yeah, sneaking up/ shoulder surfing is not cool...haha

just walk to the front of my cube, say hey or hi or hola or ni hao.......

some reason that knockin on the cube gets to me.....

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So I placed first in my heat and third overall at my track meet today, but after I hit the finish line, I wiped out and slid into the next group of people.

My girlfriend and this girl I had a thing for last year (she's a freshman in college now, so this is the first time we've seen each other in a while) both saw it. It was kind of embarrassing.

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So I placed first in my heat and third overall at my track meet today, but after I hit the finish line, I wiped out and slid into the next group of people.

My girlfriend and this girl I had a thing for last year (she's a freshman in college now, so this is the first time we've seen each other in a while) both saw it. It was kind of embarrassing.

as long as you knocked them over at least, thats pretty impressive.

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just when you think none of your friends have found sufu

it seems that a kid who used to go to school w/ me, moved in like 7th grade

he's rocking some corpus cadet jacket and what looks to be a b.son button up thing. like the hoodie without the hood.

thats definitely lurkage right there.

and a comment on one of the pictures by one of his friends says robokop.

mind playin tricks on me?

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supposed to go on a first date tonight. i hate first dates. i was supposed to come online at 4 to see when we're going, she was on, but i decided to go make pogos instead. now she's not. i'm an idiot.

yeah that's weak. on your part.

I love first dates! If you can get laid on the first date, then you're golden. You can either go on date 2 for a guatanteed lay, or just never call again since the conquest is over

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i smoked some hookah last night and had a couple of beers... when i got home i was fawking nauseas and had stomach pain then i force myself to throw up

it sucks!!! i used to smoke hookah, also cigarettes and i ate before i went smoking. nicotine poisoning? potato chips and hookah didnt work with me very well

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