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The stream of weight-related posts on this page is embarrassing.

yeah... this thing is so fucking homo, i never thought i would live to see MEN complaining about their waist sizes not being woman-like.

Men are indeed the new women (courtesy of M.O.B.)

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i confess i got really fucking high by accident today

went to doc to have nose packing removed, so he sprayed some anesthetic shit up my nostrils

later, it began to drip down the back of my throat (like yay kinda) and make me sort of light headed

at first i didn't really know what was going on, so i took my percocet on my regular schedule

i alternate one pill, then two four to six hrs later, then one again

this happened to be a double dose, and it hit just as the nasal drip really kicked in

i saw lots of pretty birdies

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i always thought the rumor was that if you lived in NJ your chances to get in declined because they wanted out of state and international students.

maybe my parents were just helping me cope :)


not true. schools always want to pick locally before out of state. Reason being after school they're more willing to stick around and contribute to the local economy, etc. not to say that someone with poor grades will get in just because they're instate, but it is a factor in considering if they accept you or not

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I got into Princeton when I was applying back in '99. I had the highest score on math, physics, chemistry on my SAT and SAT2 and junior year in hs (my first year of school in US) I still took esl. I think you have to get a good person for an interview and have some extracurricular activities (I had sports and some science clubs). I was also poor and lived in NJ which maybe helped.

interviews are important for ivy's and pseudo ivy's. that's one of the ways they get to know you. For all the people saying it's all about stats, etc. That's not true AT ALL. I worked 2 years in an ivy admissions department. The best way to get in is (seeing you have a somewhat competitive application, grades, sat's, etc.) to APPLY EARLY, AND WRITE THE SHIT OUT OF YOUR PERSONAL STATEMENT. They pay people to individually read and comment about your essay, several people do it as a matter of fact. So that in all honesty is the 1st thing they look at to give you a sense of the person you are. Since these "competitive" schools can basically pick and choose the class they accept, they will pick an interesting person who has lower scores over someone who has perfect scores and is a bore any day of the week. I've seen it happen thousands of times.

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That's interesting, I didn't know that it could matter so much. I think I was a pretty good example that stats and scores didn't matter much. I think my first try I got 470 on my English SAT (that's the old scoring system) and I think my best was just over 500. I never had a problem communicating I just didn't score that well on tests.

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just got back from date with older chick. went swimmingly.

im gonna see her again tomorrow at work of course, but we're gonna go do something later this week. she might also have another party, which is always good.

im pretty happy right now. first time in a long while i've been this happy.

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That's interesting, I didn't know that it could matter so much. I think I was a pretty good example that stats and scores didn't matter much. I think my first try I got 470 on my English SAT (that's the old scoring system) and I think my best was just over 500. I never had a problem communicating I just didn't score that well on tests.

really? i think we're the same age, high school '99. Princeton let you in with a 500+? Kind of proves many of my points i guess.

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There were other factors to that. I only did 2 years of hs in US, I moved here by myself and that always impressed the interviewers. I went to a very bad hs in NJ and had the highest grades/scores in sciences and one of the better ones in the state. I also played soccer and was pretty good at it. I was always good in math but the level in US was just laughable to me. Since I was going for engineering I guess english wasn't a main factor. I also got to upenn, cornell and few other good schools. By the way I didn't go to princeton, I didn't like the school and people plus I wanted to be closer to nyc.

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My first super confessional! I been active on this site for a little while and I've noticed alot of guys wearing awsome outfits and when I notice that they are wearing size 28 and 29 it makes me feel soo fat!... I turned 20 in february and at that time i was 5'11 and weighed 135 and now I weigh 155 and i've also gone up a pants size or two. I went from a 32 to a 34 and being that size on this site makes me feel fuckin HUGE! :(

buddy, you are either have an incredibly small frame, an eating disorder, or are lying about your height. I'm 5 11 1/2 235 pounds. I have a sz 36 waist in all jeans and generally am not considered "fat" by any one. I'll admit I am a little bulky/muscular and def abnormal in SUFU land.....but normal weight for 5'11 is like 175-195........how do u weigh so little and have such a large waist?> Im fascinated.

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I took SAT three times and each time I got perfect score on math. I also took SAT2 and got perfect score in math and did very well in physics and chemistry. And yes, I had an amazing story. Poor boy from Poland comes to beautiful America all alone and wants to study in the greatest country in the world, please please please let me in :D

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this girl tried to get me fucked up and take advantage of me last night, but it backfired on her. xanax, pbr, and bourbon are not a good combo for me i guess.


i need to stop drinking so much when im out. i know i talked at length with this girl on saturday night, and i know she was really cute. i forgot her name and what she looks like. she sends me a friend request on myspace, and i thought id get some recolection, but her damn photo is too blurry to see her face. i think its her at least... shes the only 19 year old ive talked to in quite some time.

I am making the same effort. THough for different reasons. I am simply consuming way too much beer for my health and am too inexperienced/afraid of narcotics to delve into less space-consuming substances. So I am starting to smoke weed. This past friday I drank a thirty pack and some shots. Thats just a buncha liquid. Put me outta commission for a bit. I also have too good a recollection of what I did to write it off as a crazy night. It wasnt crazy. Just scarily normal. It's embarressing, but I'm smoking joints of regs to aqauint myself with weed...in the hopes of a less physically taxing high....no 19 yr olds at all.

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I took SAT three times and each time I got perfect score on math. I also took SAT2 and got perfect score in math and did very well in physics and chemistry. And yes, I had an amazing story. Poor boy from Poland comes to beautiful America all alone and wants to study in the greatest country in the world, please please please let me in :D

okay......cus my story was poor suburbanite does mediocre in school despite complete lack of effort and interest. Not as good as yours. U went to NYU?

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haha well this is wonderful. so my korean friend/contact FORGOT to sign on to make a meeting time with me. fucking lol.

i just sent her an email that i wont get a response to. the HOPE is that she will read it before i arrive.

i arrive in icn airport... ride a bus that goes to jamsil station... and wait by the entrance/exit for a couple of hours until they find me. park my ass on some kind of bench there and hope for the best.

if all goes to shit, well, i have her address at least... awkward going to her apt on the 14th floor and having her parents answer the door though..... CUS I SPEAK NO KOREAN. HEHE THAT'S GREAT!


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okay......cus my story was poor suburbanite does mediocre in school despite complete lack of effort and interest. Not as good as yours. U went to NYU?

No, I went to Stevens Tech in NJ, the nerdiest school in the country. I had good grades and great recommendation letters which I think helped. To be honest I didn't even open a science/math book in hs. In Poland we couldn't even use calculators. People lost it here when I did my calculus test without a calculator.

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well Mike....I cant even do math With a calculator. I dont think im necessarily bad at it. But I kind of gave up even listening in maybe 7th grade math class....factor in no natural talent...and u get me...I've never heard of stevens tech. The closest thing my family has to a math genius is my brother....engineer who went to Kings Point merch marine academy......he makes alota money but I dont think he knows how to add....

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I took SAT three times and each time I got perfect score on math. I also took SAT2 and got perfect score in math and did very well in physics and chemistry. And yes, I had an amazing story. Poor boy from Poland comes to beautiful America all alone and wants to study in the greatest country in the world, please please please let me in :D

congrats on that. exactly my point about essays being more important than scores.

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oh yeah....college applying kids....best thing to do is spend one year at home going to best community college available...get a 4.0 and save money by working and living at home....get accepted as a transfer into a much better school than u normally would...and have buncha cash saved up to have a great time when u do. good idea.

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confession: the girl (woman really... shes in her mid 30s) who tried to get me fucked up and take advantage of me the other night succeeded last night. didnt plan on seeing her but i got stood up by this other girl i was seeing and went to a bar where my friend was screening 300. some beer and blow later and im in her bed.

i can still smell her perfume on me.

the worst part, since i dont have a computer at home, i didnt get an email from the 19 yr old with her phone number and a messegge saying she wanted to get together last night... she sent it about 10 minutes after i left work. i would have rather hung out with her...

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