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I need to get a job. I was planning on working full time over the summer but looks like I'll be doing summer classes so I should probably get something part time going right now if I want to go to Paris.

I never know whether to post shit in here of the Random Thoughts thread.

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do you want me to take tagged pictures of me holding her tetas while wearing cloak jeans and DBSS shoes?

are you really as offended as I am taking you to be? Honestly dude, I'm messing with you, please try to not be as offended as you seem to be, just fuckin witcha.

calm down killa

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i find i have a passing interest in about a million things, but am not really deeply interested in anything in particular.

Have you seen the simpsons episode about lisa having the same problem? Do what she did and go into astronomy

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feel bad:

all three of us got strippers numbers tonight but i know im the only one who will claim the prize.

i tried to tell those fucks.

Ur an idiot.

Strippers give their number out all the time.

They just want you to spend money on them and then go back to their "work" so you can spend more money.

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