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here ya go maus... and hap...

so monday night i got a bit fucked up, ended up calling in to work yesterday. stayed at my friends house, nad ended up laying in bed all day. almost fucked her... but listen to this.... as i had about 4" in her she says to me "wait, mumble mumble babbymomma"

fuck... i couldnt go on. i dont know why, but it just turned me off.

oh well.... maybe next time.

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I'm almost exclusively attracted to small indian chicks... weird?

I like tall indian chicks... not weird. Indian chicks are beautiful ^_^

Trying to get with this one resident at the hospital that's Indian-American. Familyman is so inspiring.

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I was talking to a college friend and was reminded of how 'teh azn' I was...

one shameful memory that came out today was how I used to go to class for like 45 minutes, then go floss my car around town in the middle of the day in this podunk college town, not to get jocked, but just so I could watch my shit in the reflection of shop windows as I rolled down the street. I probably did this on a daily basis, sometimes I'd drive the same street 2-3 times. I once had my friend drive my car up and down the parking lot at Staples just so I could watch it in action. Meanwhile I generally dressed like shit and was always hung over, as it were.

that's so korean of you ... actually since you dressed like shit that knocks you down to a Vietnamese-American stereotype.

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im hungover...

i woke up this morning and looked at my phone and was like "who the fuck is susan?"

i remember now.

drank at least 6 or 7 shots of jack and 2 beers last night.... somehow didnt get sick

oh... edit... umm... i also remember being all up on these two girls, and they were loving it until thier boyfriends (who unbeknowest to me were friends of mine) came back... damn...

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^ I ordered a pair of black Dior's off ebay last week from that link posted here on ST, but they haven't arrived yet, 9 days later. :(

I have girlfriends but am the lonliest I've been in a long time, currently... Can't be fucked to really go out and meet anyone new either...

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Yeah, I feel the same way... except I really feel like I'm not hitting a low, I'm just laying all over a low point lately. I've had 2 days this year where I've just freaked out almost in tears sitting at my desk at work, feeling lonely for no reason at all, luckily my friends were there to hit the bar with me on call...

I'm not much of a social person anyway, I prefer to be alone generally... When I do see people I feel I end up trying to entertain them without expecting much in return.

I am just feeling a bit dissatisfied with the state of most things currently, just whinging.

On the plus side, my life has shown a pattern of me emerging from these kinda times to go on to breakthroughs, but I'm wondering when it's going to happen this time, it's been awhile....

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oh god.... feel like absolute hell today.... it's raining outside, just broke up with my girl, & on top of it my dog is dying!!!:( damn...

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sounds like a country song

you gotta look at it positively:

1) Thank God for the rain to wash the trash off the sidewalk. ----Travis Bickle

2) you are free to explore other velvety avenues

3) all dogs go to heaven because unlike people, dogs are naturally good and loyal and kind.

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lol ddml.... that's what my friend said. it's a first time for me with the dog situation so it's pretty hard to let go. & it would of been nice to have my girl around for moral support.... & it can't rain everyday now can it?

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her name is Tutu Toughtummy Trix and she's 13years old.... yeah I know she's old, but I'm not ready...


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This post has touched me...hope things get better for you soon.

thanks... I really do appreciate it....

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