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my band's myspace page just got a friend request from some japanese emo band. they even managed to take a shitty genre and make it listenable. really catchy after the first listen. can anyone translate their name?



Hanshin Tigers.

It's japanese baseballs equivalent of the chicago cubs. Rabid fans yet the team never seems to win the championship. Seriously crazy fans though.

i almost agree, but i say they're more equivalent of the boston red sox. tigers fans hate yomiuri giants like the sox fans hate the yankees. plus, osaka and tokyo have the same type of relationship between boston and new york.

hanshin tigers are the pride of osaka.

and as a side note, many japanese denim companies are headquartered in osaka, therefore you'd occasionally see hanshin tigers limited editions from certain denim makers.

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I went to a J-League Giants/Tigers game.

Gotta tell ya...I was a bit surprised when they played Earth Wind & Fire. And, good God, those coke girls are gonna develop horrible back pains when they get older.

Cheap concession food + random flags + "SEPTEMBER YOU REMEMBER AYAYAAAAH" = good night at the tokyo dome.

I got heckled by Tigers fans. like, wtf, brown person = tokyo supporter? I was wearin margiela, nig, no jersey.

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I went to a J-League Giants/Tigers game.

Gotta tell ya...I was a bit surprised when they played Earth Wind & Fire. And, good God, those coke girls are gonna develop horrible back pains when they get older.

Cheap concession food + random flags + "SEPTEMBER YOU REMEMBER AYAYAAAAH" = good night at the tokyo dome.

I got heckled by Tigers fans. like, wtf, brown person = tokyo supporter? I was wearin margiela, nig, no jersey.

glad you got to experience japanese baseball.

it's a little different.

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I broke my retainer. It was either crusty and old or I don't know my own strength.

man I went through like 5 of the pink ones before they just tried giving me the clear ones...fucked that one up too and they gave up. my teeth are fine.

dentists are fucking gay I hate them I want all of them to die right now.

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I might have to become a dentist they make money. Cept you can't really wear denim in the office. But I feel you on that, I think I need a sealant, a cavity is about to pop up on my moler. Good luck on that (those?) rootc anals. When is that gonna happen?

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well they want to check the vitality of one of the teeth agan to make sure, so it's not scheduled yet. but FUCK today fucking sucks alot so far.

amazon finally shipped my Yelle CD and I had completely forgot about it. OVERDRAFT YAY.

I'm going to kill myself to stop the paaaaaaaaaaaaaaaainnnnnnn.

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I used to work at a comic book store, and, honestly, the job was a lot like clerks.

You see, like the milk maids, we had the kids who spent their days obsessed with the 25 cent bins - trying to find an A-list superhero ish, like Spider-Man, Batman, etc. A fruitful endeavor, since we only threw in West Coast Avengers and Transformers shit into that bin. We'd tell them this, but they were stubborn. Everyday, they'd plump their fat nerdy asses on the floor slamming down papa johns leftovers into their fat fucking mouths and browsing through the same fucking issues they did yesterday with their fat fucking greasy ass hands.

But they weren't the worst customers. No. There's a special place in hell reserved for customers who demanded to sell us shit, like their old Star Wars action figures or their pubic hair that looked like Wonder Woman (dead fucking serious, yo). "But I drove all the way from Johnson City. I deserve to get money out of this."

"Like I deserve to anally rape you with my Dr. Doom bust sculpt?"

Oh, the best part...some of the customers' kids would sneak into the porn section. I really didn't enforce the 18 year+ policy, 'cause traumitizing is fun. So this kid walks up to me with one mag

"What's that octopus doing to that lady?"

"Son, that's called tentacle rape."

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my relationship ended yesterday and he just told me on the phone hes going out tonight to meet up an old female friend.

they're gonna do it huh?

He might be bluffing just to smack your ego around.

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I used to work at a comic book store, and, honestly, the job was a lot like clerks.

You see, like the milk maids, we had the kids who spent their days obsessed with the 25 cent bins - trying to find an A-list superhero ish, like Spider-Man, Batman, etc. A fruitful endeavor, since we only threw in West Coast Avengers and Transformers shit into that bin. We'd tell them this, but they were stubborn. Everyday, they'd plump their fat nerdy asses on the floor slamming down papa johns leftovers into their fat fucking mouths and browsing through the same fucking issues they did yesterday with their fat fucking greasy ass hands.

But they weren't the worst customers. No. There's a special place in hell reserved for customers who demanded to sell us shit, like their old Star Wars action figures or their pubic hair that looked like Wonder Woman (dead fucking serious, yo). "But I drove all the way from Johnson City. I deserve to get money out of this."

"Like I deserve to anally rape you with my Dr. Doom bust sculpt?"

Oh, the best part...some of the customers' kids would sneak into the porn section. I really didn't enforce the 18 year+ policy, 'cause traumitizing is fun. So this kid walks up to me with one mag

"What's that octopus doing to that lady?"

"Son, that's called tentacle rape."

hahah. good post. want to rep but cant.

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my gf of x years cheated on me. i broke up w/ her 3 weeks ago. and i'm still maaad.

left me for a guy far from sufu approved. he is lame (wears fake sbs and lrg) plus he has a kid. short and stumpy too. however, i did play a part in it by neglecting her.

but now i'm wondering, is sufu really the way to live, or does that not matter to most girls? or do y'all think that there's something better in my future?

post nudes. thatll teach her a lesson.

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Seriously, girls love sufu dress.
Yeah, they really love the hypnotizing shapes of our voluptuous man-tits poking through our skin-tight Dior tees.

I don't know, man, it might just be because I'm a member but, I'm a sucker for a guy in raw denim and dunks.

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