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^ pretty mcuh... shame. but hum every colons were bastards anyway.

  Caps Lock said:
Does a french history class go all the way from the beginning about roman times and such?

i seriously hope not ! i've got some french history in economy major abut hum it's only the monetary view of the thing so it starts in like 1450 and is quite interesting. the lecturerd is a bastard he makes girl cry i liove that.

but if you have history as a majoyr i think it starrstts from the whole beggining. which cant be bad since you can see all the sociologicc and economonical changes but fuck i owwouldn't want to do taht.

so to gett deeper because i like that. in france, in secondary school, you start from the whole beggining and when you graduate high school you're done with the first and second WW in your last year so it's quite a long span and alll but if you're serious and all you know all the shit. and even a lot about what happnend in the us from 0 to now.

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i ediited my post btw. but yeah it's long and interesting bsince europeans came to america to make what are the us now, if you look deep into everytning and retrace civilizations and all, it's even fuckin awesome.

wtf am i doing in economy i should be in history .major.......

oh i know, i don't wantot work in a museum:D

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can't be bad. when teacher is hooot you concentrate more hence get better marks and ecan even get some bonus seewhatimean. i wish i could sign up for different shit than financial mathematicsn oeo, eocnometrics and inferential statistic.

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french ratemyprofessors got shut down : ( ...

make hmim kill himself instead of killing hium

fort the keyboard hum it doesn't work that's why

btw thaht was my last confession good night to the future me is dead now;

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yesterday a Singaporean and his two friends came in, just got off a plane so hella jet lag. he has a list of things his wife and family wanted to buy. I found the stuff and I guess i impressed him with my geekiness..not enough to buy then cos he was hella tired :confused: but he said he'd be back around the same time tmr (it was 1pm) and I left him my card.

today, after I was done with my shift at 5pm, I stayed a bit longer cos I had a customer order I had to handle, so I waited for her since she was off work at 4pm over in east bay. my manager call me in the back and tells me

someone is here for me which I thought was weird cos my manager LOVES this customer and knows her by her name. so I go out, excited to finish the order and leave when I see him

and he's like do you want to go get coffee, cos him and his friends wanted to get coffee before coming back to shop

I declined and he said such a shame. he asked once more awkward and I politely declined.. then he said you're going to be here after right? and I said yes because at that point I really just wanted to get off the floor and go home. SO tired (panda eyes tired :()

took me a few seconds later to realize what I had said and he already had left. DAMNIT. so i stayed I said I would.

he and his friends came back and I took his stuff from the hold drawer and was going to ring him up when he said oh, they're interested too (his friends) and I proceeded to help them pick out bags/accessories. and they didn't know what they wanted. there was no list..

in the end when I was ringing them up they asked for my business card so I gave it to them with my email and then they asked for facebook and I told them I didn't have it. that's when the guy pulled out the first card I gave him and I must have written my schedule on it cos then he was like oh, were you off at five? /awkward

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  DrMoBueno said:
your business card needs the verpiss dich

if it doesn't have it already

but they were nice. that's my problem. if you're a bitch and you're demanding I'll just be like fuck you. if you ask me and you're nice, I'll help you as much as I can.

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  samsikle said:
god damnit he keeps disappearing!

you should make a new rate my professors-esque site and be sitting on money bags.

after they throw me out of school :D .

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  whitney said:
but they were nice. that's my problem. if you're a bitch and you're demanding I'll just be like fuck you. if you ask me and you're nice, I'll help you as much as I can.

the best shutdown i ever witnessed was

5 seconds of direct eye contact followed by

"you know i'm a guy, right?"

works well in san francisco

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  pieiskewl said:
I'm a closet anime fan

i came out and started watching naruto....at the school library :/

one of my friends said she sees me watching it and doesn't say hi, because im too dorky..

stay in the closet

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