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A week or so ago, after drinking some with mrcharlybrown, I came home, decided I wanted to get more drunk, and told my girlfriend we were going to go out drinking (this was like 3am at the time) so we put the dog on the leash and found a bar.... ended up drinking like 10 of the small bottles of sake, had a good conversation (we don't talk much) and then ended up going nijikai having soju and Korean raw beef (yuk hwe) when we were fucked up, neither of us could probably see cuz we didn't remember getting home. I fed the dog the beef and even she threw it back up, it was just a terrible scene by the end of the night.

The conversation topic: my gf finally told me about her ex husband, who I only knew snippets of facts about, about how this nigga has a Ferrari collection in Japan, how my gf bought a very barely used Porsche turbo off the Yokozuna's wife and how they met up in Hawaii by chance and talked about it, that kind of shit. I spent the last 6 months thinking my girlfriend was like trophy wife to some yakuza dude or something, turns out this guy is American and the president of Microsoft Japan or something. I was like 'well, I am the president of the Temple of Jawnz and I'm gonna rape you tonight romantically and shit' and that was good enough for her, but fuck if that kinda shit don't hurt a niggaz motivation.

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  AstroWolf said:
not good is a understatement, it is trash, a 13 year old girl who thinks she is in film school cause she is in a after school program could and would do a better job. it was honestly such artsy trash with no point, no heart, i could win a war showing this movie to the enemy.



I had a art-major grad chick (parochial school, ha!) who is ugly-skinny w/ too much curly hair tell me she thought it was amazing.

Everything she makes looks like a vagina; unintentionally. Sometimes, an exploding vagina.

This summarized my experience with the movie and its ultimate fanbase very succinctly.

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  sircheesecake said:

The two things I hate in Japanese fashion are the fucking hats that all the twenty something girls wear to be cool and popped collars.

I think there's too much beef on poppin collars nowadays cuz of bro's tho. it don't always look like shit, esp poppin jacket collars when it's cold

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I've been back in LA for 16 days, and I've only gone out 5 times. My score/rank on Tetris Party (wii online) is 7500/9999

6 people free for all concepts, fuck me.

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hate asshats like this who namedrop japan all the time

exchange in japan=knowledge??


  sircheesecake said:
Synecdoche New York is one hell of a mind fuck.

The two things I hate in Japanese fashion are the fucking hats that all the twenty something girls wear to be cool and popped collars.

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  azn8oi said:
move back to cleveland. no sun. no peel. no i donno, does it have intense sun? what? i donno.

fuck. that. shit.

too much drama, not enough drinking.

cleveland weather sucks =/

cbus is awesomeee :D

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Just got back from the worst Vegas trip ever... In short, but I'd gladly provide detail if anyone wants, cousin's bachelor party (he's cool as fuck). I didn't know his friends, they brought an xbox and barely left the room the first day. One guy lost $1,000 in an hour on the blackjack tables, everything he had, no money left even for food... Another guy got taken for $300 by a fucking hideous Russian stripper, and didn't even get his dick sucked. I brought my buddy along, luckily, as he was the only one who knew how to handle himself and have a good time. The rest of the guys, all 14 of 'em, were in bed at like 10 pm after talking for hours about all the girls "they've fucked". These guys were all virgins. Fuck...we got dressed to go out one night and a guy came out wearing a 3 piece suit. I'm like, you gotta be kidding me... There was so much more... 3 of the guys getting "dressed to go out" apparently meant wearing, no joke, black Adio skate shoes, the EXACT SAME PAIR OF PLAID ELEMENT SHORTS, and element tree logo tee shirts, same color, varying tree logo designs. My boy rolls a blunt before we go and one of the guys hits it super fucking loud, like he's sipping hot coffee but way louder. Doesn't even inhale, and he's acting all stoned. Dudes wearing electric sunglasses at the $5 minimum blackjack tables like they were hot shit. Trying to order 2 or 3 drinks from the waittress when she clearly offered ONE free drink. One guy flicked a $1 chip as a tip at the dealer trying to be cool and it hit her in the side of the head. I had to call it and walk away. Fuck, I was never so happy to get on a plane back to Sacramento in my life. I'll add to this as shit comes back to me... superlasvegasamateurstyle. Oh yeah, a 16 year old girl sitting next to me on the way back described the quiddich rules from Harry Potter the whole time. She was nice and all, but it was just perfect.

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Leading on potential girl even though I don't feel the same way. Feel kind of bad, but don't want to break it to her

** back to listening to maxwell **


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  Orion said:
Just got back from the worst Vegas trip ever... In short, but I'd gladly provide detail if anyone wants, cousin's bachelor party (he's cool as fuck). I didn't know his friends, they brought an xbox and barely left the room the first day. One guy lost $1,000 in an hour on the blackjack tables, everything he had, no money left even for food... Another guy got taken for $300 by a fucking hideous Russian stripper, and didn't even get his dick sucked. I brought my buddy along, luckily, as he was the only one who knew how to handle himself and have a good time. The rest of the guys, all 14 of 'em, were in bed at like 10 pm after talking for hours about all the girls "they've fucked". These guys were all virgins. Fuck...we got dressed to go out one night and a guy came out wearing a 3 piece suit. I'm like, you gotta be kidding me... There was so much more... 3 of the guys getting "dressed to go out" apparently meant wearing, no joke, black Adio skate shoes, the EXACT SAME PAIR OF PLAID ELEMENT SHORTS, and element tree logo tee shirts, same color, varying tree logo designs. My boy rolls a blunt before we go and one of the guys hits it super fucking loud, like he's sipping hot coffee but way louder. Doesn't even inhale, and he's acting all stoned. Dudes wearing electric sunglasses at the $5 minimum blackjack tables like they were hot shit. Trying to order 2 or 3 drinks from the waittress when she clearly offered ONE free drink. One guy flicked a $1 chip as a tip at the dealer trying to be cool and it hit her in the side of the head. I had to call it and walk away. Fuck, I was never so happy to get on a plane back to Sacramento in my life. I'll add to this as shit comes back to me... superlasvegasamateurstyle. Oh yeah, a 16 year old girl sitting next to me on the way back described the quiddich rules from Harry Potter the whole time. She was nice and all, but it was just perfect.

lol i couldnt even imagine hanging out with these dildos high. were you paranoid at anytime?

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