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my dog eats her own poop sometimes. I will be sitting down with the dog and having a workshop with her on that in the near future, since we are to have dinner guests over sometime this weekend.

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hey if youre down to pay long distance we can pretend you still live in your parents house in cleveland


haha, oh but columbus is treating me very well:cool::cool:...

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well, all the chicks i know talk about sex pretty often.

either they got it, or not. and no matter how they live their sexual life.

i guess it can also be sometimes easier to express those feelings and tensions to other girls, as you don't feel like they gonna try to "hit it" because you talkin' bout it. hear me?

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tasty cakes!

i know im not a boy (sorry about the frosting)

but can we make cupcakes one of these days?

or any food really.

when i be married and shit man. housewife fun lol

def babby. frosting or no frosting, its on. :o:eek::cool:

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you guys are silly!!

i don't think you understand how we work!

"now is ur pussey bleeding or ar eyu just happy to see me"

"nice lips bitch"

"hi babeu. are u a midget with no legs? cause i wanna have sex with u"

whiche~ver one of these work call me back let's dooo this

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my dog eats her own poop sometimes. I will be sitting down with the dog and having a workshop with her on that in the near future, since we are to have dinner guests over sometime this weekend.

She's a puppy, she's either curious or not getting enough nutrition.

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"now is ur pussey bleeding or ar eyu just happy to see me"

"nice lips bitch"

"hi babeu. are u a midget with no legs? cause i wanna have sex with u"

whiche~ver one of these work call me back let's dooo this

i take everything on the menu!!

can i get it delivered please :cool:

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well, all the chicks i know talk about sex pretty often.

either they got it, or not. and no matter how they live their sexual life.

i guess it can also be sometimes easier to express those feelings and tensions to other girls, as you don't feel like they gonna try to "hit it" because you talkin' bout it. hear me?

that being said,

i'm patiently (aggressively) waiting for my charming prince!|!! :rolleyes:

soon, soon

No suze. You talk about sex like you need some dick, but it sounds like youre holding out for some pretend tart.

But hey

do watchu gotta do

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