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i dont remember much of my night and im just glad its a sore dick and not a sore asshole.

+rep for that. damn.

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larssss(sss?) halloween costume reminds me of when i used to go to the library and take out calivn and hobbes comics all the time.

even if i had read them already, i would take them out again and re-read them. i miss how simple it was for me to be entertained.

i guess thats sort of a confessional.

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I was with my friend at the bookstore and he told me that he never really got Calvin and Hobbes. I told him it was because he grew up in a broken asian family and never had a real childhood. He got sad and told me "fuck you."

I love Calvin and Hobbes but I also remember thinking all the time "wtf damn this little white kid is a bitchass to his parents if I pulled this shit I'd get a slap to the face asap." I read C&H at the local library because my dad never let me check them out. :(

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I confess that I have started enjoying tucking in my shirts, which gives me a real grandad look since I only wear high rise anti fit pants. My gf hates it, i try to tell her Dad style is whats up...

I go grandad style if I stay in for the night. I usually wear a pair of chinos belted up with a overly large polo and slippers, and I complain

Sometimes I tuck.

also: got the digitzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz yeyeyee

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I go grandad style if I stay in for the night. I usually wear a pair of chinos belted up with a overly large polo and slippers, and I complain

Sometimes I tuck.

also: got the digitzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz yeyeyee

The second part of this post does nothing to redeem what happens in the first part.

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The second part of this post does nothing to redeem what happens in the first part.

yo, some people wear sweatpants and corny white person attire when they stay in. I chose to be much more classy about it and go grandpa.

2nd part was in reference to up the page.

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I go grandad style if I stay in for the night. I usually wear a pair of chinos belted up with a overly large polo and slippers, and I complain

Sometimes I tuck.

also: got the digitzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz yeyeyee

Having the number is the easy part.

I found some tracks you might find tasty, hit me up via PM.

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Im not talking about "staying in", im talking about going all out...

truth to be told, I still dont wear my pants high though, which gives me some extra diaper ass. But a brooks brothers ocbd tucked into some 30s style 501s with a grand pa style cardigan reallt cant be beat...

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Im not talking about "staying in", im talking about going all out...

truth to be told, I still dont wear my pants high though, which gives me some extra diaper ass. But a brooks brothers ocbd tucked into some 30s style 501s with a grand pa style cardigan reallt cant be beat...

I hear ya. There are few moments where I actually go out in grandpa attire, but sometimes I'll do the big cardi + grimey off-white buttondown + wool pants + tennis shoes on a sunday

aka today

should've taken a pic, but I just took a shower, so I've shed it in favor of some busted ass old t and busted ass old uniqlo jeans...

Caps Lock, the digits were the first step. REAL TALK.

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Libby, I have posted my share of bitchassness in here for sure and unlike Toto I don't think relationships are retarded but I'm mad surprised you didn't fuck that chick on the rooftop and take pics for us.

damn son.

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Caps Lock, the digits were the first step. REAL TALK.

I remember this one time I exchanged numbers with this cute brown gurl and I totally forgot about the whole exchange. And a few days later she ended up asking me out on a date. I thought that was funny, she was beasting on me. It felt good.

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well it was weird cause a friend who has history with her was there and was trying to hook up with her again and i was getting sober and antsy to get to another party. ended up walking with her to the train making out a couple times and having her want to come home with me and telling her to go home. i got a text yesterday morning "wait till we hang out again..." so i'd say it ended up pretty good, didnt make it to the other party though.

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joey is true gentleman...

I bet she woke up with crusty fake blood all around her mouth and momentarily wondered what the fuck she had been into the night before :D

haha right before we started making out in the street she goes "im gonna be covered in fake blood, but it'll be good"

andrew wk vs. asian blair waldorf


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