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yo aitsuka's a chick though, no? scissor pics plz

confession - i got belligerently drunk last night (still am drunk, at work) and some skank tried to dance with me at absinthe. i kept trying to get around her and she kept getting in my face, so eventually i said

"hey, ugly chick. fuck off! i'm not dancing with you! you're ugly!"

then i went upstairs. 10 minutes later she threw a vodka water in my face. i found her in the crowd shortly thereafter and dumped my entire Labatt 50 on her. I got thrown out of Absinthe for the first time in my life.

Once, I was at a show. I was dancing near the front, as I am wont to do at shows. After the song finished, this chick that was next to me turned and threw her drink at me! Just flung it at me, all over my torso. Apparently, I was rocking out a little too hard and kept jostling her, and she didn't appreciate that.*

So she turns around and leaves. In an attempt to save face, I start waving my arms as if I'm shooing her away and also start yelling at her: "Get out of here, you stinker! Stinker! Get out of here! You stink!" I wanted to make it seem as if I was getting the better of it; she was in a bind, of course. Either she leaves and looks like she's just doing what I tell her, or she stays and remains in my insufferable presence. She leaves. The crowd jeers at her. My male friends applaud me, my female friends are horrified. Story of my life.

*Why the hell would you be near the front at a show if you didn't expect to be jostled?

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^exactly. ah man i remember like two years ago, i was at a show, in the back though, but it was kindda violent, and all of suddenly I received a punch close to the eye, and I had a piercing exactly there back then. (you can see a bit on that old shitty picture Frame00091.jpg?t=1219939290)Anyways, the ball at one of the end of the piercing was pushed into the skin. I had to push it really hard for it to go back to its place. i was bleeding as hell and so dizzy.

and at another show (i was at the front that time), one of my friend stage dived... right onto my face. I was sure that my nose was broken. He's up in the 200lbs, like twice my weight haha. a few minutes after I was ok.

good memories. as far as getting hurt can be a good memory.

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Ahaha. I had an Amerikaji-styling Japanese friend all throughout college, we went to Europe together and did a lot of fun stuff, he was about 5'3" but was a crazy dude. One of his Japanese friends had a white girlfriend who was obnoxious white trash, so at my friend's birthday party we look down the table and we hear this crackling 'shut the fuck up!' in a Japanese accent and then see a whole pitcher of unfiltered wheat go flying on this girl's face, with a couple slices of lemon coming to rest on her. Turned out it was nothing but the regular kind of discontent you have with your friend's girlfriends, but he was just taking the showmanship up a notch. We ended up having to carry him home later that night because he blacked out.

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^One of the few good things about living in the Midwest (for me, not dismal). Copious amounts of wheat beer. Wheat beer as far as the eye can see. Belgian, pseudo-belgian, microbrews, homebrews, aaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

By the way, that story is great.

as if I'm shooing her away and also start yelling at her: "Get out of here, you stinker! Stinker! Get out of here! You stink!" I wanted to make it seem as if I was getting the better of it; she was in a bind, of course. Either she leaves and looks like she's just doing what I tell her, or she stays and remains in my insufferable presence. She leaves. The crowd jeers at her. My male friends applaud me, my female friends are horrified. Story of my life.

They cheered because they thought you were retarded. Straight up basement level IQ. That said, it's really an incredible way to try to get the upper hand.

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Indeed, wheat beer and CWG's is about all we got. Good thing I'm leaving, I prefer ale and slimmer, dark haired things.

Uh, I actually agree with you... you're Korean too, right...? I go to the decent bars here and snap up all the ales they have, especially the Belgians. Where u at dogg (PM if necessary)?

Confession: I just found out I can get free peanut M&M's from my work's vending machine if I continually jiggle the turney thing. You say peasant status, I say fuck you Peanut M&M's are awesome and I don't carry around quarters with me.

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i was at a festival a while back and me and a few mates were in a crowd. suddenly we hear an overwhelming cheering coming from behind us but we ignore it. we continue watching the band until we feel the surge of a crowdsurfer coming behind us, along with that cheer. one of my friends turns around just in time to see a hairy coochie diving towards his face. the cheer was because of a naked girl crowdsurfing.

there was blood everywhere and my mates nose had been broken. by a vagina.

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ive got this stupid flakey cunt of a friend who kinda screwed me for the last time. ive been sick over her shitty behavior for a long time and am pretty much ready to let her turn into an accquaitance..

i need to decide if i need to call her out on her dumbass behavoir or just cut her off on the low....

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when i am around people who speak in a different accent or style than my own, i unconsciously adopt their way of speaking. Its incredibly obvious to everyone but me.

ie: if i'm hanging around with australians, i will adopt an aussie accent.

this caused some laughter in SF i'm sure.

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