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worst (sufu) waywt fits

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Wow, someone actually wrote an articulated and well thought out post. That's a first. Shame the three idiots above me didn't see that.


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Wow, someone actually wrote an articulated and well thought out post. That's a first. Shame the three idiots above me didn't see that.
I don't like hotchocolaat's waywts because her clothes don't flatter her. Perhaps they do and I can't see that because she doesn't have any other redeeming attributes, at least not visible ones. She doesn't post anything else so I can't defend her based on personality.


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Wow, someone actually wrote an articulated and well thought out post. That's a first. Shame the three idiots above me didn't see that.



While this, at times, is a very onesided forum, they do have a point.. in a outlet as shallow as fashion you can't expect to find depth. Its better to get hate than none, cause atleast someone paid attention to you

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To be brief, I think it should be pretty plain to anyone who has spent more than five minutes on this site that as soon as you post that you are put yourself into a position of scrutiny. To take it one step further, and actually post a picture of yourself in WAYWT is to essentially throw yourself into the fire. There are popular, veteran members who still make it into worst waywt, and they suck it up the criticism like everyone else.

What I find completely baffling is the people who post a picture of themselves, get torn apart, then post "why do you guys take fashion so seriously" or "no need to attack anyone". This is a fashion forum on the internet. If you don't want to be criticized then you shouldn't be posting. Obviously we are going to comment on your fashion. Why else you would you be posting if you didn't want a resonse. If you didn't want other people's imput, why did you post it? If you want people to give you unconditional praise, why didn't just send it to your mother?

This talk about conformity is absolute bullshit. You take two of the more respected members of this site: Cheep and Chris, and you couldn't really have two farther extremes. Both of them have style, both of them are consistently creative, and both of them put together esoteric fits that as ideals the world could use more conforming to.

Is this shit really that complicated? I think you and all the other sensitive members should just take their fits to myspace, deviantart, or hotornot since it seems like you just want to people to stroke your e-genitals enough that you feel like you've experienced true love for the first time.

Yes I agree with almost your whole post the thing is though there is a difference. Criticism I'll suck it up. There's no doubt about it. But then there are personal attacks which is not even criticisim anymore. I don't mind hearing people's opinions on how I dress people do it on a constant basis as you step out of the house but then there's people who just want to attack you. Both Cheep and Chris do dress very well and have different styles but what I'm saying is not that they conform to a certain style but that no one is born with the knowledge of style you learn from somewhere don't you? That is all I'm saying I'm saying we get it from somewhere yes they are both good dressers but they weren't born with it. They both obviously gained experience from somewhere. I don't need to feel better about myself I don't mind being criticize but just actual criticism is different from a personal attack.

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I was born with it, I came out of Yves Saint-Laurent's thigh (and there was much rejoicing).

Honestly there's a big sheep mentality in there so that criticism and praise get amplified, but the first few who post about a fit are usually honest about it so just read those if you care about their opinion. I'm not going to bullshit and say I don't care about what anyone elses thinks but, honestly, I have a clear vision enough of what I'm aiming for that, unless it is a very well-worded and/or comes from someone I respect, I'm not much affected by negative comments.

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There is always so much drama in this thread, drama central. I guess this isn't a bad thing. I'm sure about 95% of members click this thread. Is there any members that do not actively read this thread? If so please post

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diewhitegirls, lol to the cankles i didnt even notice that first time around. the stacking on those pants seem to have gone haywire..

at least she has graduated from gap kids to quasi h&m caliber steez. no more bubblegum hued knits and payless shoes. oh wait the payless shoes are still there.

...but the background isn't her parents house with ghastly beige carpeting anymore. (shudder)


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^i'm so proud of her. i just wished she had come out of the hater-closet independently or earlier without the encouragment of the trash-collective.

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I never like when girls' jeans hang over their shoes. Since flats are really popular now, i see a ton of that on campus.

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The second one is passable. The first one looks like she groped around in the dark for pieces of clothing and put it on.

It's nice to try and defend someone, but no...they both suck. I thought that those were buttons on the shirt in the second picture and I thought it was cool...then I realized that it's glorified "show your rack" beads.


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