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  • 3 weeks later...

alright so i didnt read through the entire thread but whatever, just going to give my experience.

in short, dmt is the best drug on the planet.

getting more descriptive... my first and, regrettably, only dmt experience to this day was likely the single most enlightening, most wondrous, benevolent, greatest experience of my life. unlike anything ive ever experienced before, weed, booze, blow, molly, x, acid, mushrooms, anything.

not sure how much of the stuff even constitutes a dosage to be honest. i bought a 1/4 gram if memory serves me right, which i ended up splitting up into 5 pretty even doses of the crystalline powder, which i mixed into a bowl atop some weed.

the first try i sat alone in my apartment with the lights on at night. i feel i have a strong grip on who i am, very self-aware, not one to be easily frightened under the influence of most substances, experienced with psychedelics and so on, so i felt no need to have a sitter there with me, was safe in my home, and if somehow i REALLY came to need help, my roommate was asleep just down the hall, and so i started.

i sprinkled a bit on top of the bowl, sat on my couch in silence and took one trial hit to see what i thought. the common acid/shroom effect of the furniture and such breathing came into the picture and i felt a bit euphoric. after that one hit wore off a moment later i decided i liked it and it was go time.

i repacked the bowl, this time with more of both the weed and dmt, kind of sandwiching the dmt in the middle since the first trial hit seemed to ignite rather easily and fast. took as many hits as big and as fast as i could, say around 5, until i started to really feel things changing. i set the bowl on the table and turned to lie across the couch staring at the ceiling.

i had put on some music by this time (which at the height of the experience i dont even remember hearing) and the lights were left on. i felt myself quickly sinking deeper into the trip as it consumed me from every direction- from the inside out and the outside in. staring at the ceiling, soon my surroundings started to change. the slight differences in the color temperatures of the white lights around the room grew more intense, eventually to the point of taking on actual vivid hues of various colors. in my periphery i saw the flag hanging on my wall, and watched in awe as the stars and stripes slowly started lifting off and away from the 2D plane of the flag, becoming floating bars of color and separating ever more until the image of a flag was no longer even perceptible. i looked around quickly while i still could and everything in the living room was doing the same- growing and stretching farther and closer to the point where it all eventually became unrecognizable. my reality, the physical, real world i lived in was dissolving, fading, flying away before my very eyes. my body followed suit, and (though ive never tried K ive read of its dissociative out of body effects, so i suppose thats where the comparison kiya mentioned comes from) before i knew it i was completely lost inside my mind.

my surroundings and my body had now completely vanished. i was not aware of any of it. it was as if i was just a mind, maybe a soul if you will/believe in shit like that, (i dont necessarily do, but its pretty tough trying to convey all this) i have no idea in what form or whatever, all i knew was i was able to observe and process stimuli and react, and think, though not in a normal/lucid/linear/logical sense. it was as if i was nothing more than a cloud of consciousness, beyond even the 11th dimension, flying through the very fabric of space and time itself at the speed of light.

nothing i "saw" now at the height of the trip was there in reality, nor could i "see" anything that was, and even more, nothing i saw was anything i had ever seen before. they werent your typical visuals. i didnt see little elves or purple elephants or flowers growing up through the floor that werent really there and all that typical psychedelic cliched shit. basically, in a case like that, when you see those open eyed visuals that arent really there, youre still "seeing" things youve seen before, only theyre apparitions. what i "saw" with dmt was so completely different from everything ive ever seen in my entire life due to the fact i didnt see ANYTHING i had ever seen in my entire. i was blinded. blinded by a brand new world of everything i had never seen and nothing i had, as if i had just come out of the womb.

i was immersed in a brilliantly vivid, beautiful, lazer-light-show-kaleidoscope of colors i had never seen before. i closed my eyes and opened them, (at a few points in the trip i apparently had enough motor skills and awareness to do so) i took my glasses off and put them on, (i have horrendous eye sight, -7.5 in both eyes) but it didnt matter, what i saw never changed. i felt a benevolent presence as if it were watching over me, or guiding me in some way, though i am not completely sure whether this was purely due to the drug or rather an influence from real life, as i had read trip reports which seemed to suggest a similar figure in some way shape or form. the entire thing was euphoric, i was in sheer, complete, utter awe and amazement. nothing malevolent to the trip what-so-ever. completely inspiriting and inspiring.

then, after what was likely only a few minutes, though its hard to gauge, just as it is with a normal dream, the effects began to ware off in a way that almost felt like it all just reversed. the colors faded and ever so smoothly blended back into my actual surroundings. the music faded back in, the coffee table came back, so did the bicycles and lamps, then the walls and then all the stars and stripes on the flag. finally my body came back too. i remember going to feel my beard to make sure it was still there, then the rest of my head, i felt my chest, legs, all was there again, all good. i remember giggling as i did all this, at how silly i mustve looked and at how absurdly wonderful and inexplicable an experience i just had on my living room sofa.

i couldnt keep it to myself for another minute. i called my roommate and asked him if he wanted to meet god, (half joking, im not a religious man at all, in fact im against it all together, but it seemed like the most succinct way to put it at the time, and if i have ever had anything remotely close to a 'religious experience' that trip was most certainly it) but he said nah he was good on that for now. so i told him to suit himself, loaded up another bowl, turned off the lights and tripped myself to sleep.

the next day i woke up feeling perfectly fine and went to work at 7am a changed man.

ever since then ive been searching in vain, hoping to someday get my hands on more of the magic stuff that is dmt. ive followed through with what must be a dozen leads by now, all of them ending up falling through, so close yet so far every single fucking time, like a sick joke being played on me, like searching for a god damned unicorn, though sadly by this point im starting to feel as if ill catch a unicorn before i find more dmt

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^please tell me your city in new york

also.. thats another possibility ive been toying with the idea of.. just not completely sure im competent enough to get the process right/how hard it would be to find all the necessary ingredients

*ALSO- to all of you out there who have said things like "oh yeah i got a friend who does it" or "oh yeah i had the chance once but didnt feel like it" or something like that.... if youre not full of shit, then youre doing yourself a tremendous disservice, and if youve come across it sooooo easily and turned it down, then youre better off keeping that info to yourself, because i will fucking smack you. you have no idea how hard its been for me to track down nor do you know what you passed up and you should all be ashamed of yourselves.

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/\ No unfortunately not NY.

My friend says the ingredients are really easy to get a hold of (I think you can get most of the bark, etc from Amazon actually) and the process is not that difficult to learn.

I've read the process on erowid, but don't trust my myself to correctly interpret the instructions and actually make a good batch.

I'd rather learn it from someone who has done it before and knows what they are doing.

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on dmt and salvia

salvia can give you that same knock you out of reality experience, but i feel like salvia is more brutish than dmt. idunno, less of a comeup maybe? to me tripping really hard on salvia is like waking up in a dream, very strange hallucinations and they seem very repitive. like you have the feeling that you've been in this weird state for a while, like you suddenly only came to in the middle of the hallucination. that kind of experience is probably the closest comparison to dmt.

and dino i'd say make it if you want it that bad, the process isn't too complicated (i mean it is, but there's pretty thorough guides online that aren't chemistry jargon)

and if i get some more from my friend i'll make sure to hold onto some for a real homie ;)

also if you're doing a big extraction a blendtek or something like that is helpful for processing and grinding all the bark, or so i've heard

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ever since then ive been searching in vain, hoping to someday get my hands on more of the magic stuff that is dmt. ive followed through with what must be a dozen leads by now, all of them ending up falling through, so close yet so far every single fucking time, like a sick joke being played on me, like searching for a god damned unicorn, though sadly by this point im starting to feel as if ill catch a unicorn before i find more dmt

you and me both except you had the chance to exp it already. fuck also been toying with the idea of self extraction but not confident enough to pull through

and salvia is some whack ass shit, just makes u fucking retarded, never had a fun trip

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A friend and I have recently put our organic chem degrees to use modifying existing teks and have started getting yields significantly larger than anything we've seen reported. That said, most of the good teks out there are pretty straightforward, you just have to take your time and be patient with them.

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Was at a festival last week and couldnt escape the smell of deemsters. Ive been wanting to try it but the atmosphere and odor really turned me off. Now im bummed i didnt kopsome because who knows where the fuck to find it again. I did find a sizeable amount of mdma on the ground (again!) though so all is not lost.

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ever since then ive been searching in vain, hoping to someday get my hands on more of the magic stuff that is dmt. ive followed through with what must be a dozen leads by now, all of them ending up falling through, so close yet so far every single fucking time, like a sick joke being played on me, like searching for a god damned unicorn, though sadly by this point im starting to feel as if ill catch a unicorn before i find more dmt

its much easier to order shit online and make it yourself. its really cheap that way, takes a couple days at most depending on what kind of spice you want to end up with

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its much easier to order shit online and make it yourself. its really cheap that way, takes a couple days at most depending on what kind of spice you want to end up with

yes i understand this but are there any dangers if i fuck up and consume it anyways?

like can i fuck up on the extraction process and smoke something very very bad? (toxic)

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likely trying this within the next few weeks and i'm really stoked on it

apparently it's a better trip when you only smoke the DMT from a freebase pipe so i'm keeping my eyes open for one but damn they are hard to find

just gotta go hit up some crackheads downtown

or make some shit out of a lightbulb

also, is there a general psychedelics thread? i can't find it if there is (should be)

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likely trying this within the next few weeks and i'm really stoked on it

apparently it's a better trip when you only smoke the DMT from a freebase pipe so i'm keeping my eyes open for one but damn they are hard to find

just gotta go hit up some crackheads downtown

or make some shit out of a lightbulb

also, is there a general psychedelics thread? i can't find it if there is (should be)

i think there is a psychadelics thread and i can vouch for the crack pipe. it's not too hard to make your own if you have a blow torch, buy like 6" of glass tubing (from some chemistry retailer or maybe homedepot) and just heat the end, press to close and then blow a little bubble at the end and you have your own crack pipe

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likely trying this within the next few weeks and i'm really stoked on it

apparently it's a better trip when you only smoke the DMT from a freebase pipe so i'm keeping my eyes open for one but damn they are hard to find

Just go to a headshop and ask for a eucalyptus inhaler. It's the 'nice' name for a crack pipe. Usually run you less than $8.

I used my buddy's DMT this weekend. I tried it 6 times (3 times per night), and could not break through. Every time I was very aware of where I was and mobile. The body high was fantastic and I saw some of the coolest visuals I've ever seen. I was pretty disappointed at not being able to break through. Several of my friends did and had some amazing out of body experiences. I was unable to even after smoking three massive consecutive hits one of the times.

I think his batch was fairly mild and older, so I'm holding out hope for the next batch we make.

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Just go to a headshop and ask for a eucalyptus inhaler. It's the 'nice' name for a crack pipe. Usually run you less than $8.

aren't they the same as the vials those tiny roses come in at gas stations / liquor stores? Not sure if they have the glass bubble at the bottom or if it's just the tube, but I always thought those were them.

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I've only already been tripping when I smoked DMT, so my baseline is not that relevant to most. I can say that I saw, felt, and heard the most amazing things of my life ever no matter what. Truly a transcendental experience that I would recommend to everyone except schizophrenics. After all, it's only 15 mins of your life -- why not? I haven't heard of anyone that didn't have an already present or latent mental condition being permanently fucked off DMT.

This. I am very interested in trying psychedelics. But I always feel like I have some latent mental illness inside me, like I can keep it together and exist in normal society, but if I did DMT I would go off the deep end. sucks.

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  • 9 months later...

My GF just texted me a pic of her holding a vial of I dunno...like 3g of DMT, said du is getting 5g more. I don't even know if it's real, it seems like a lot. I thought it was sold in points, or less maybe, and this guy isn't a heavyweight, so seems unlikely he'd be holding or have access to that much, but I'm about to kop if it's legit. Any of you w/ experience, what's the usual dose amt? It looked like a fucking ton.

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for me, just a hearty pinch sandwiched between sum weed does the job well and definitely lessens the harshness of the smoke that can result from using a crack pipe. i did have a much more intense, visceral experience using the crack pipe tho (the smoke tastes kind of like plastic or something).

i used to trip dxm a lot during a time in my life when experimentation was more prevalent--the only comparison i have for dmt would be a high third/fourth plateau dxm trip, hypercondensed into the longest twenty minutes you'll ever experience.

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My GF just texted me a pic of her holding a vial of I dunno...like 3g of DMT, said du is getting 5g more. I don't even know if it's real, it seems like a lot. I thought it was sold in points, or less maybe, and this guy isn't a heavyweight, so seems unlikely he'd be holding or have access to that much, but I'm about to kop if it's legit. Any of you w/ experience, what's the usual dose amt? It looked like a fucking ton.

3g is alot, that will last a long time. what was the coloring like? forgot the amount for the ingredients but the residue from cooking in a small casserole dish was not much more than a gram, probably less, and lasted a while. just glob enough with some bud to make it last a few large rips, like you would with a nice concentrate.

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