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good hip hop

mike lowrey

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blue scholars, from washington

I tried listening to them and I was so fucking bored. I haven't heard one rapper from WA that I even kinda liked.

do you really enjoy gucci and flocka stuff?

if so, ...how?

Yes. How? Same as any other music. I like how it sounds and I find it entertaining. I don't listen to Gucci as much recently, but lots of Flocka.

Judging by your name/posts I am going to assume you're on some 'real hip hop' shit, right? Yeah, we won't agree on much then.

edit: also RBales, thanks for rec'ing G-Side. I dled their newest album and I like what I've listened to so far. They talk/rap about rap a bit much, but maybe they chill on that later in the album.

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West coast shit from CA specifically off the top of my head: Ras Kass (soul on ice), Crooked I, Andre Nickatina, Aesop Rock, Saafir (boxcar sessions), Dan the Autpmator (prod), Sly Boogie, Blackalicious, The Grouch....

I gotta know what makes you think Aesop Rock is from Cali? Do you have him confused with Asop or something?

I demand answers.

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Yes. How? Same as any other music. I like how it sounds and I find it entertaining. I don't listen to Gucci as much recently, but lots of Flocka.

Judging by your name/posts I am going to assume you're on some 'real hip hop' shit, right? Yeah, we won't agree on much then.

ya, i guess you could say im on some 'real hip hop' shit. not big on the whole gucci flocka lil b soulja boy young jeezy etc. tip. corny music just doesn't do it for me but to each his own.

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I gotta know what makes you think Aesop Rock is from Cali? Do you have him confused with Asop or something?

I demand answers.

aesop lives in san fran now. but i dont know if that means hes from cali now since his older stuff was pretty ny-centric.

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it's interesting you say that, DÜM, because that's one of my favorite aspects of modern hip hop. rappers aren't afraid to call out the industry, blogosphere, or whatever as being essentially bullshit. like that jay electronica track where he's like "i'll rapradar, nahright, twodopeboy you" like he knows that he's got the game on lock because he's got exposure on the right channels. indie rock boys pander to blogs and then pretend like it was talent that got them posted. rappers know that's some bullshit. g-side especially has been in the game for a long time and is really only now getting any exposure — thanks to NPR of all places.

also, everyone in this thread should get the first g-side album "starshipz and rocketz" because it's fire.

this is some good shit, too. really love mouse's production style. bouncy as fuck.


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if you listen to that shit in a car with a fat system in it youll kinda get it. shit bangs. while i was at home over break i was burnin with my homie and we went to grab a slice in his riviera, fool was straight slappin flockavelli. i never ever had liked that shit but it made sense while i was with that fool leaned way back goin like 20 down the street. its drug dealer music

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I tried listening to them and I was so fucking bored. I haven't heard one rapper from WA that I even kinda liked.

they kind of talk about the same shit all day (political/social injustice) which can definitely get boring, but they have some good individual tracks imo, north by northwest is my favorite.

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I like Flocka more than any of the dudes people associate with him. But I usually like killing people rap over making money rap. Waka's a good mixture.

ya, i guess you could say im on some 'real hip hop' shit. not big on the whole gucci flocka lil b soulja boy young jeezy etc. tip. corny music just doesn't do it for me but to each his own.

Jeezy doesn't really fall in the same category as the rest of those guys. Dude is so quotable it's ridiculous and his production is awesome. I could listen to Jeezy for a long time.

And Lil B knows exactly what he's doing (moreso than soulja boy and them).

My new years resolution was to not argue about hip-hop on the internet or otherwise, but fuck it: what 'real hip-hop' are you listening to?

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it's interesting you say that, DÃœM, because that's one of my favorite aspects of modern hip hop. rappers aren't afraid to call out the industry, blogosphere, or whatever as being essentially bullshit.

yeah I get you. some good shit has definitely come out of rapping about rap. Clipse is one of my favorites and they rap about a lot lately. In the end it's music though and it can get pointless. I'd rather just potent lines about it than whole songs or portions of albums.

have to mention that Kanye kinda does it and to good effect. He usually tackles stardom as a whole though.

I just don't like rap complaint rap. It gets tiresome. Just hit em off with a line and get back to your shit.

while y'all stuck on laffy taffy

wonderin' how did y'all niggaz get past me

I been doin this before nas dropped the nasty

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^That is ridiculous. I still don't feel Waka much at all.. anyway, guincho just threw this up in the what are you listening at right now thread, it's pretty dope:


I've been listening to Jet Age of the Future for the past week and it often reminds me of N.E.R.D. Turns out Tyler is a huge fan, makes sense now.

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i'd say a good 80% of flocka's appeal is lex luger. dude's beats go so hard. that npr/nytimes/whateverthefuck article on him as the rap equivalent of the tea party did him no real favors. he's bubblegum gangster rap, no more, no less.

that said, a lot of his songs are good. "no hands", and that wooh da kid "body bag" song both stand out. and bitches love flockaveli, so there's that.

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lex luger is aright. he's pretty much boxed himself in to one recognizable stripped back fruity loops style that will ensure his demise in the coming years imo.

i think "no hands" is the best flocka track and that's produced by drumma boy, who is easily one of the best producers in the south.

anyway, I'm tired of talking about shit that's going on today. anyone listen to any pre-basedgod hip hop? believe it or not, this genre existed before lil b or even OFWGKTA.. c'mon sons

del is the best rapper from the west coast, even if he do heroin


only found this dude while collecting dilla beats..


a wild white rapper who severely fell off appears...!


ya'll know MF Doom, wut about Grand Masta Grimm?


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aight I'll post some pre-BASED tracks I like that maybe people haven't heard

here's 2nd Family


really like this dude's album


a wild white rapper who severely fell off appears...!

(still say he trumps Tyler on "fuck you dad! I hate my life!" rap though)


favorite asian rapper and he's east coast


prob my favorite hypebeast/tightpants rap


and since some canadian sufu's turned me onto Shad on here a while back


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this has always been one of my favorite DOOM tracks, Mr.Fantastik is real dope on this track. this whole album is great


also does anyone know where the bit in the beginning about tripping in the woods is from?


on gucci and flocka

i know they aren't the 'real hip hop', they are trap music. but, if you can't find them entertaining then idunno man. i think they are both hilarious, i think there's value in their music as long as you realize that you can't hold it to the same standard as say nas, or wu-tang, or biggie, etc. (the 'real hip hop')

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Dam DÃœM I really liked that Smoothe trak, I guess that dude Trigger is his younger bro too. Crazy they sampled "Build me up buttercup" for such a gully song lol

phive-oh-won - i wasn't feeling the reef too much, but I definitely dig louis logic. I'd played one of his records a while back at my old job but just forgot about him I guess

here's some mo' SMANGAZ for you all to enjoy.

CYNE from Florida, most of you familiar with Nujabes probably already know these dudes.. Beat changeup at the end of this song is ill.


more sole, same album as the last track. i think this is one of the few songs I like the words even more than the music. and this beat is dope.


vast aire... fuck man this song is so good


and now for dope instrumentals. this is mostly what i listen to anymore..





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@DUM that 2nd Family is typical south Memphis rap ala Lord Infamous.. I dig it though, takes me back.

anyway, I'll join in the pre-based posts..

my favorite doom tracks first:



old Memphis stuff:




one of my favorite mcs of all time:



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I just liked the 2nd Family album cover. The album is entertaining.

edit: here's some more Reef that I like



what's up in philly right now? Philly section in my iTunes is dope, but it's just Roots, Free, Beanie.

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no love for big l? some pre-ofwgkta triple6satan/murder/fuckthepolice/violent rape rappz (but not all of it)




btw tyler doesnt associate OF as horrorcore, so stop it slimes

and for the record: i fux with lex luger's beats heavily. some shit to swag out and go ham to

im looking forward to this


and wiz is lame for naming his upcoming album "rolling papers" after domo genesis already came out with "rolling papers"

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