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Miscellaneous Musings (Limited Edition)

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fell asleep on the train this morning on my way to class in chi... train arrives at 827, i woke up at 840 n the train was dead empty n moving. ended up walking 2 carts ahead n 2 employees were lookin at me with some wtf faces on... told em i fell asleep n they said oh i hate it when employees dont wake up sleeping passengers, then dude asked me which cart i was on, after i told him, he looks at his partner n says you dumbass thats your cart. i had to get off with them at the employee lot which was luckily only a mile or so away from union station, took a cab to class instead n was just on time. been laughin about it the whole day

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man fuck college parties

they're all the same

just stole a skateboard and dipped

ran into a friend on the bus up to my house

he agreed

nothing else to do on weekends but get drunk and do the same shit over and over again

now im drunk at my house on sufu

how boring is that

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Posted · Hidden by freshkills, April 7, 2012 - No reason given
Hidden by freshkills, April 7, 2012 - No reason given
  On 4/7/2012 at 8:08 AM, OCEANSECT said:

man fuck college parties

they're all the same

just stole a skateboard and dipped

ran into a friend on the bus up to my house

he agreed

nothing else to do on weekends but get drunk and do the same shit over and over again

now im drunk at my house on sufu

how boring is that


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  On 4/7/2012 at 8:08 AM, OCEANSECT said:

man fuck college parties

they're all the same

just stole a skateboard and dipped

ran into a friend on the bus up to my house

he agreed

nothing else to do on weekends but get drunk and do the same shit over and over again

now im drunk at my house on sufu

how boring is that


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  On 4/7/2012 at 8:08 AM, OCEANSECT said:

man fuck college parties

they're all the same

just stole a skateboard and dipped

ran into a friend on the bus up to my house

he agreed

nothing else to do on weekends but get drunk and do the same shit over and over again

now im drunk at my house on sufu

how boring is that

heard dat. stops being fun after freshman year.

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you stole a skateboard? thats kinda fucked.

I stole a Rocky boxset from a house one time during a party, but that shit was being neglected and I just felt like I could love it like no one else at that time. I feel bad about it to this day, as Im not sure what happened to it. shit was on VHS too.

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  On 4/7/2012 at 6:49 PM, youre sketch said:

you stole a skateboard? thats kinda fucked.

I stole a Rocky boxset from a house one time during a party, but that shit was being neglected and I just felt like I could love it like no one else at that time. I feel bad about it to this day, as Im not sure what happened to it. shit was on VHS too.

well i was kind of drunk when i wrote that, i didn't really steal a skateboard

really i broke into my friends house down the street and took her skateboard from her room and left without asking her.

so i mean i guess yeah i stole a skateboard, but we're like really good friends and i texted her about it this morning and she was fine with it

edit: and today i've done nothing but laze around my house eating cereal (lol granola and flax milk) and listening to music and planning a project for an art class

so yeah college is pretty sweet... i mean i like college itself, but i'm so tired of the social scene here... probably my fault because i'm boring...

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  On 4/8/2012 at 1:03 PM, Mr. Rager said:
Bout to finish my second year in college and still haven't had a real job. Ugh, hopefully I get one this summer though. Staying positive.

me too. story of my life.

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Professor went around my portfolio class asking everyone what they wanted to do. All the animators said they were going to work in japan, the photography major just knew she had to have a job in fashion, and the graphic designers declared the studios they were destined to work in. Professor gets to me and I say something like ima try to get me a government job like at the gas company or dmv for now or anything full-time get my stacks up and then look into making my way into something id really love to do. She then started probing me in front of the class. and i just simply responded "I'm just tryin to keep it real" I think she hates me. but fuck, I can't just sit there and act like I'm about to get hired at Chiat Day or some shit the day after I graduate. I aint tryin to occupy my moms house.

I aint tryin to stay broke

back to dat hermit life doe.

Edited by dovo
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Both the GF and I are sick. Crept up and hit us last night, she got it way worse tho. We spent Easter laying in bed watching movies and eating. Haven't even showered, just posted and smoking (sup Julz you know u jealous) and being sick and lazy, and not even mad about it. It's kinda been a clutch day.

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  On 4/9/2012 at 3:09 AM, OkayOkay said:

Both the GF and I are sick. Crept up and hit us last night, she got it way worse tho. We spent Easter laying in bed watching movies and eating. Haven't even showered, just posted and smoking (sup Julz you know u jealous) and being sick and lazy, and not even mad about it. It's kinda been a clutch day.

nah, never that! been getting mick to smoke w me n he's chill on me smoking now. even bought me a vape ;D i went to his uncles house, chilled there ate the turkey that i made n drove his ferrari. ;)

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walking with your feet in the ocean is the best feeling, or so I thought before I also ate a chunk of pork shoulder at the same time.

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