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  On 3/7/2012 at 3:55 PM, OCEANSECT said:

really?? I liked it a lot. Norwegian wood still my fav of his books but I feel like 1Q84 was still pretty good, at the very least for being slightly different than his other books.

i guess it's a good 'story,' entertaining enough. very surface level though, which is fine of course, just not really what i was looking for i guess. i've read four or five of his books, not sure why. norwegian wood, wild sheep chase, wind up bird, 18q4, something else... but honestly theyre all very similar. and i was expecting more from what everyone was saying was his magnum opus

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By posting hate about Kony 2012, i effectively bring it closer to its purpose, that is, spreading awareness. By not posting hate about Kony 2012, people won't know that I despise that video and its pussy hipster first world guilt pandering bullshit which makes me swell with rage.

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I don't get why you guys don't want to stop Kony. I mean yeah it's trendy but like srsly it's a good cause. Is there any harm in stopping him? No. So stop acting like kids just coz you hate whatever is popular.

OR show me a good argument why we shouldn't stop him.

I'll admit that probably another one will rise in his place, and it's only because of systemic issues created by world powers, but that doesn't mean that we shouldn't stop Kony. So give me a different argument.

On the subject of murakami: yeah all his books are the same. It's true. I still like them. Never gonna be favorites though. Still I enjoyed 1Q84. Uh yeah, I guess that's it.

Any of you ever read the master and margarita? That's probably my favorite book.

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the kony video is damaging because it perpetuates a one dimensional understanding of problems in africa. encourages self righteous 'activism' while ignoring the systemic causes of instability and conflict. makes a million people feel good about stopping the man while reinforcing the cycles of ignorance, why look deeper into the issue and what is really going on when you can just repost the video on facebook. to me the most depressing thing is this, the ability of some supposed humanitarian organizations to dilute this sort of thing to meaninglessness. its raising awareness in the worst possible way, everyone already knows about child soldiers and everyone collectively still does nothing

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I have a strange respect, cloaked in irony, for the sissied voice of the kony 2012 video. I'm sure the complexities of the situation are not beyond him because he has obviously dedicated hundreds of hours studying it. The genius is how he took a gray issue and made it completely black and white. Then he took it a step further and exploited its human interest potential in a way that would make bono himself green with envy. 11+ million youtube hits in 2 days, nuff said.

If i were a man of power with a dangerously large conscience, instead of mobilizing hipsters I would focus my efforts on manipulating the so called "leaders" into letting the USA (god bless) plunder those sweet sweet natural resources, on the cheap. Bring in infrastructure, military strong arms and everybody profits.

No natural resources? Damn. You broke the first two rules of being a peaceful 3rd world country:

1. Have abundant natural resources

2. Don't lack abundant natural resources

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On Kony, how do people really propose we "stop" him (didn't watch the whole video tbh)? start another war? The same half educated CWGs who post the video on their FB pages are the same people who protest the war in Iraq. If only there had been a fancy video highlighting Hussein's human rights violations.

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^ been too busy on yahoo auctions and lurking sales threakds to know what the hell this kony business is.

in other news i can tell anyone what the latest drops were for all webstores and list every visvim/uc grail on y! right now.

what is my life.

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my main issue with the kony 2012 video is that it's effectively a demonstration of how popular support for foreign military intervention can be leveraged with emotionally blackmailing viral marketing. scary concept. most people are basing all their support for this movement on 30 minutes of extremely one sided 'research'

not to mention that invisible children is a shady as fuck group, the video is allowing people to feel good about 'doing something' without actually doing anything, the whole exercise precludes real action, thinking that removing kony is going to stop the violence in africa is remarkably stupid etc etc.

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  On 3/7/2012 at 4:45 AM, akuma no uta said:

I shave once every 3 months. Cannot deal with doing it any more than that.

I only shave when I get beyond bored and/or get fed up with facial hair.

Same goes with my hair. I haven't cut it in nearly 9 months, if I remember correctly. Lately, as it's been growing longer, it's been getting really irritating. Especially when it's always in my face.

I've been thinking about cutting my hair and shaving my face but I'm looking so grizzly that no one really bothers me (which sometimes is terrible) and I feel like cutting my hair when my it's not quite six inches long won't be as fulfilling as cutting it when it is actually 6 inches long.

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  On 3/8/2012 at 4:32 AM, OCEANSECT said:

I don't get why you guys don't want to stop Kony. I mean yeah it's trendy but like srsly it's a good cause. Is there any harm in stopping him? No. So stop acting like kids just coz you hate whatever is popular.

OR show me a good argument why we shouldn't stop him.

I'll admit that probably another one will rise in his place, and it's only because of systemic issues created by world powers, but that doesn't mean that we shouldn't stop Kony. So give me a different argument.

GAAAAD DAMNIT DUDE. No one has ever stated that we shouldn't stop him. What the 'haters' say is donate to a charity that actually does something about the situation and stop acting like you're important because you share a god damn video on your facebook.


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