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Miscellaneous Musings (Limited Edition)

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How strict is it? I'm on one of the strictest diets possible and I have a max of 4 'malnutrition' fails. Keeping in mind, not eating my 3 portions of vegetables in one specific meal would be 3 fails.

I just usually chug two glasses of V8, eat a handful of nuts and go out with my friends and eat whatever comes to my plate (only that once in the week).

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my mom and her bf were talking to me about there experiences with drugs in there earlier years. come to find out, my mom did opium a couple times and she loved every experience she had with it. it was almost as if she was convincing me to try it at least once in my life. i've always heard of opium but i've never been offered and it was never a priority......until now. thanks mom!

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  Baeyer-Drewson said:
^I'm gonna be so honest with my kids about drug experiences. What's the point of doing otherwise? It'd be a disservice.

i am honest with everyone about my drug experiences. the good and the not so good.

nothing other way of dealing with it makes any sense, given you are dealing with things that could affect the health of others.

i am always suprised when my friends with teenage kids who used to party have a zero tolerence policy, like they think that will do anything other than encourage poor use of sometimes dangerous things.

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I always thought I knew exactly my position on talking to my kids about alcohol, drugs, sex, etc...until I had kids. They're still little so I have time, but I'm no sure if I can get behind the "go crazy man (just be safe wink wink) or "if you're going to drink just do it here and be safe" cause I know my parents said the same lines to me and I still acted like a total fucking idiot. I definitely do not want to hide/shield it from them either, that's so much worse, but...fuck...being a parent is hard man.

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  haptronic said:

i am always suprised when my friends with teenage kids who used to party have a zero tolerence policy, like they think that will do anything other than encourage poor use of sometimes dangerous things.

this right here. For real...I see parents do the same thing...like they get crazy in their youth then go the completely opposite direction, and it always fails. Every single time. I figure parenting has to be in moderation, like everything else. I'm definitely not gonna tell me kids how awesome certain drugs are (they can figure it out if they really want to), and I'll probably talk more about how drugs, drinking, sex, etc can have a negative impact on their lives if they let it consume them...but I definitely agree that you have to be honest and open with them. Curiosity led me to do really stupid things (or do things in stupid ways most likely) that I probably wouldn't have if someone had told me more about it.

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ok, question:

a month or two ago i was buying books at this used bookstore in berkeley (moe's) and the guy gave me incorrect change so i told him. he said oh thanks here take this and gave me a coupon for 10% of used books.

so then a week or two ago i used said coupon to buy some books (a sizable 50 or so cents off).

ok, so, me and my friend were walking back to his apartment and a few blocks down the road i open on of the books i had just got and there tucked into the front page was the same coupon for 10% off.

should i like, tell them? re use it? am i now part of the 10% off for life club? first world problems?

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  72virgins said:
my mom and her bf were talking to me about there experiences with drugs in there earlier years. come to find out, my mom did opium a couple times and she loved every experience she had with it. it was almost as if she was convincing me to try it at least once in my life. i've always heard of opium but i've never been offered and it was never a priority......until now. thanks mom!

if you can get your hands on some real deal opium, you fucking smoke that shit. not the easiest shit to come by in the US

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