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Miscellaneous Musings (Limited Edition)

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I say go with your instinct. The great thing about being employed by relatives is that they have to forgive you with time. What I'd do is talk to your uncle directly and explain why the non-profit would be better for you. That would show integrity, and that's always respected, even if it's not appreciated at the time.

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You should probably just tell your uncle exactly what you wrote above. I'm sure he'll understand. Trust me, you should enjoy these years of your life, because if you really intend on going to law school, you sure as hell aren't going to enjoy any after undergrad.

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yeah, i went with the "safe" option most of my life and thus far it hasn't gotten me to where I want to be. How long have you worked at your uncles office? Only a few months? If he's paying you under the table, wiil it even have an ROE?

Depending on what kind of work you're doing with your uncle it might help you in the long run to have put in a little over a year at it. Do your best to network within this NGO, maybe do some unpaid shit if they'll let you, talk to your uncle about reducing the number of hours you're working over the summer, and then see if you can get in at the non-profit full time next year.

Just an idea. Might be talking out my ass though.

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  OAS1S said:
forget about law school, you don't have the work ethic for it

I dont have the work ethic, yet I managed to stay and excel at a job that I disliked for 8 months running, without fucking up at all, save for the last month, month and a half.

All of this while going to night school, getting good grades, and still attempting to maintain a social life.

You're right. No ethic at all.

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  MharcI said:
I dont have the work ethic, yet I managed to stay and excel at a job that I disliked for 8 months running, without fucking up at all, save for the last month, month and a half.

All of this while going to night school, getting good grades, and still attempting to maintain a social life.

You're right. No ethic at all.

8 months is nothing

ive been doing that for 7 years now

and i make less than 11$ per hour just so you know

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the fact that you're patting yourself on the back for having a job (where your boss is your UNCLE) while going to school, as if this is a singular achievement, is all i need to hear. and you haven't even been doing this for a year and you're whining about how you don't think you can handle it anymore.

plus the whole i'm-19-i-should-be-enjoying-my-life argument says a lot. tell me, why do you even want to go to law school?

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yo mharcl, not to join the doggy pile (pause) but if you heart isn't in law school, it's highly unlikely you will be able to finish it, regardless of your work ethic. most of the people i know who are in law school hate it, not because its hard work, but because its hard work being dedicated to something you don't really care about. better to get off that track now then drop out halfway through and waste money.

i was in a very similar situation to you, down to the commute and job situation in a field i wasn't passionate about, and then a riskier opportunity came up in a field that i cared about. in october this will be my fourth year doing it and i don't regret a thing.

generic superfuture musing: i spent too much money last month, and am going to have to do it again this month

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  i wear shooes said:
When I am at home and I have to take a dump.. I like to take off all my clothes before I start my business.

I leave my boxers on but everything else comes off.

I feel free


Seeing all these chicks walking around wearing less and less everyday has actually made chicks all covered up a turn on for me.

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Officially the owner of an '09 Dodge Caliber SXT! I'll be using it to commute to my training every day. It saves me just around 3 hours of my life and allows me to go back home for some rest and home made food in between my two sessions. YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY

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  on-display said:
little brother bought a new gti, not sure how I feel

Mk6? You should feel great. Although, I hate my vw right now lol ill probably love it again once this damn CEL gets takin care of....again.

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hah vampy got to ask.. when did landocal become your favorite poster?:D

most flow.du's like5'2" makes riding a 20" bike look normal. schwarzenegger territory. saw arnold last weekend at the airport in the bathroom washing up. was standing on a wooden tomato box as a booster to reach the sink no joke. 4'7" at the most.

anyone see the pinball skatepark. for the amount of money(half mil?!) that was put into it they could of made the most amazing skatepark ever instead of something novelty. still pretty cool.


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