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ande whall contest thread


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Here are some final picks after a hot wash and air dry. Probably about 3 washes and 3 soaks. Because of work I soaked or washed these whenever they became soiled or started to stink.

I just wanted to say that this has been a great experience and thank you to the other participants and Ande for letting me take part. These jeans have been with me through thick and thin. From a family vacation and my now 16 month olds first steps to my 3 year olds hospitalization for flesh eating disease (she is good). Through waiting anxiously for word from my Parents in Jamaica after Hurricane Sandy to Kids Birthday parties and yardwork over the summer.

So here goes:









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Good stuff guys. This year flew by! I am so grateful to everyone who participated in the contest and made quake donations, I couldn't have got the jeans making back together without the amazing support!

How many guys do you think we have? I keep thinking someone is going to pop up outta the blue that hasn't posted at all.

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#1: corporalclegg

#2: robotbox

#3: theotherchrislewis

#4: ukeno

#5: sbreslin

#6: grooveholmes

#7: festival

#8: mdkt07

#9: noodle36

#10: ntkt10

#11: keiren

#12: nick

#13: alt.plus

#14: philipong

#15: panuchai

#16: detto

#17: ozloupgarou

#18: iloveredstripe

#19: kt

#20: --second--

#21: mairit

This is the contest list, I put the names of people that I remember have posted in bold. Im down to wait for a week or so, but after the people who have posted at least once in a while during the competition have submitted I could care less whether people get their final pictures up in this thread as opposed to the normal Ande Whall denim thread, but what do you guys all think

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I'll get my pictures up by the weekend. Just been so busy I literally didn't visit Sufu for a 6 month stretch. Everybody's denim is looking good from what I've seen, love my Mustangs, gave them a bunch of wear, but from the looks of things I'm not going to be winning anything :)

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Hi Fellas. Do you think we need to make a cut off date for photos?

About four - five months ago I tweaked the patterns a little bit. Changed the curves through the front and back rise, which I think makes the fit slightly better. I also juggled the back pocket sizes so they are smaller.

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Yeah-- the weekend is a reasonable cutoff IMO. Ande, I think you should call the shots, if you're ok with that. And I think I speak for those who actively participated that none of us really mind "losing", as we were in it for the spirit of the competition, and since the earthquakes dramatically altered everything. I do hope there is another contest in the future, and does your workmanship proud in terms of contribution.

Good to know about the construction tweaks. I'll probably pick up another pair of these in the Spring-- they're just so good.

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Here's My final fit pictures - one year this weekend.

(I was in Beirut when my AW's arrived last year).

Ukeno - AW Comeback Special #4 - Caribou 33" - 1 year of wear - England.

3 Machine washes - 2 Tumble Drys - 4 Hot Soaks (will check).

Photographed today in my street. Slightly Sunny Cold weather, been wet lately.





More detail:



I've really enjoyed wearing these jeans this year (and will in future).

Glad the Contest encouraged me to wear them consistently.

They have become the most comfortable jeans i own, and im pleased with how they've faded. More important then that is the fact that they've been everywhere with me all year.

Thanks for the participation from all you other contestants, it's been cool seeing what people get up to all over the globe.

Thanks for having me.

(ill update some more detailed shots of the denim itself soon).



Edited by UkeNo
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Here's my Andes. Contest Pair #10. Mustang W34. 1 year, 4 washes, 4 soaks, no visits to foreign countries or extreme wear, although they did get to take a tour of the White House (no picture policy strictly enforced). The crotch is just barely hanging on and needs to be repaired soon.








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Looking really good fellas! Is everyone in? Who have we got yet to post? I wish I was at the one year mark like you guys, I have been wearing a pair of Caribou's for four months since I tweaked the patterns.

Ukeno, you are in Brighton yeah?

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Cool, I love Brighton. Haven't spent loads of time there, but keen to go back one day. One of my good mates moved to Hove a couple years ago, so you may see a tall, greyish fellow on the train with AW's on, he has heaps of pairs, haha.

Mr. Philip Ong, yeah we need to get things wrapped up, give you a couple more days to post up fella.

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Mr. Ong, how are you doing?

Ok guys, I am just making up a photoshop pin up board of the final pictures.

Should I judge it....or get a panel of old seasoned denims heads to take a look?

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Yeah, robot's been M.I.A. I think I remember him saying awhile ago that he got a new job, but his blog is out of commission too, so I hope he's doing alright.

  On 12/12/2012 at 7:11 PM, andewhall said:

Hey...I have been going through the last few pages and Robotbox seems to be missing in action? Where are you Robot because you were a regular poster through the year!

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