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Competition: Heavyweight Denim Championship Of The World 2011/12


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Wow, that looks pretty bad GMC

I hope you find somebody who can fix this so those great pants can get a much longer life

Last week at the 14 oz store in Berlin the Denham people repaired all used pants for free. Very professionally done by Stacy from Denham company

But this was just last week during the Bread&Butter fair I think

Edited by swiss-jeansfreak
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I'm not 100% sure but I believe self edge will not allow mail in for repairs, but if you have a friend in SF, NYC, or la you could send them to who could drop them off for you, self edge will repair them and mail them back to you. Contact kiya for specifics

Check out the holy stitch blog, who's repairing for sesf, they do great work

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I have repaired my old Denime pants by myself but of course the result is far away from any professional denim doctor.

I wouldn't try to fix GMGs pants since it's heavy denim and I'm not a real sewing expert.

Although I like to do repairings, but I'm still learning

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Congrats to this great vid!!!!!!!!!!!

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Posted · Hidden by Edgewood, January 29, 2012 - No reason given
Hidden by Edgewood, January 29, 2012 - No reason given

Can I join this contest as well? Going to be receiving my N&F Elephant 2s in the mail next week. :o

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Congratulations to this overall very nice fading structures.

All fadings on the right places!!!!

Like it should be

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vespr^1198s, those look great, loving that last picture.

I thought I had posted here on Friday but thanks for the suggestions guys.

Evilcrayon, I really appreciate such a gracious offer. I'll have to give them a call first and ask about pricing and get that nailed down first. I'll definitely shoot you a pm and let you know either way though.

Edited by GMC Motorsports
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Posted · Hidden by Max Power, January 30, 2012 - No reason given
Hidden by Max Power, January 30, 2012 - No reason given

So many great pairs lately... I have not given up on mine, they fit better than some months ago. Yet, I am focussing on my 710s right now, but the 634SB will get serious wear in summer for livegigs, skating and maybe also hiking in the alps. Won't care about sweat then (but that's said easily when it's -10° C outside)

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So many great pairs lately... I have not given up on mine, they fit better than some months ago. Yet, I am focussing on my 710s right now, but the 634SB will get serious wear in summer for livegigs, skating and maybe also hiking in the alps. Won't care about sweat then (but that's said easily when it's -10° C outside)

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Yeah Flo it's cold now here. And you'll face much colder temperatures in the next 3 days. We excpect minus 30 degree celsius (-22 Farenheit) next friday in the Swiss alps. We try to keep our chalet warm and building faster on our snow hut

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hi im new,

what a great community here!! stunning beatle pic :o :o

will up mine soon.


since you´re new i don´t think you´re in the contest, right?...

only contestants allowed to post their pics in here!

Edited by ThinFinn
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soooooooooooooooooooooooooo boys and girls...

i´ve talked to megathron at the end of the last year and thought that i should change my 2nd entry jeans.

i´ll replace my IH-7301s with my IH-634s-raw...the IH-666Sod still will be my first pair and the jeans i wore in 2011.

new year, new denim i thought...

so here are the overdue pics:

copped and received on 30.12.2011 (wearing since then!)










to cont.

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