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ROY X CONE contest, 1.1.11 - 2.1.12

Paul T

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How did I know that it would be you that noticed?

impressive bowl collection.willing to proxy one?

(and clean that mirror please)

I thought about it all day and I could not think of one clever thing to say about proxying you a toilet bowl. Anybody?

Dude, what the fuck? More info needed. Are those steel statues. I once worked on a house for the dude that owns Cisco in San Jose and that dude bought a horse statue made of iron (or steel maybe) and the shit cost him like 2mil.

I think they are made from salvaged steel bits. Very impressive in person, it's easy to lose the scale of those things in photos. They sit right outside of Big Art Studios in Oakland, not far from that truck Robbie noticed.

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I thought about it all day and I could not think of one clever thing to say about proxying you a toilet bowl. Anybody?

You could've told him maybe there was something in the pipeline comin his way. Or maybe that you wouldda, but there's shit loads of paperwork to get through :D

I dunny know, some shit's funny to some, piss-poor to others....


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You could've told him maybe there was something in the pipeline comin his way. Or maybe that you wouldda, but there's shit loads of paperwork to get through :D

I dunny know, some shit's funny to some, piss-poor to others....


The first one would have served admirably. Hung over today, and some parts of the brain (the one that oversee come-backs, for instance) seem to be browned out.

Thanks dude.

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The first one would have served admirably. Hung over today, and some parts of the brain (the one that oversee come-backs, for instance) seem to be browned out.

Thanks dude.

I know how that feels, you end up just going through the motions...

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At 6.15am this morning the sky over the Five valleys was very angry! Red sky in the morning....


So today, me and my roys were sieving sand using the dreaded 'sandstorm'.



Despite the ear defenders, this thing is loud and soon gives you a headache!



Much rather be in this!




Sand does have some great abrasive qualities though..



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So you are not actually a real Doctor?

No, not really (though I believe you are?).

Years ago I worked in mental health, caring for people who were nut-cases in old skool terms ( the correct term now I believe is " service users whose behaviour challenges the service provider").

It is during this time that the name Dr Heech was given to me.

(Nor am I a builder, and my name is not Robert.)


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