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ROY X CONE contest, 1.1.11 - 2.1.12

Paul T

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as i start packing my stuff (moving out/in in a month) i realise i got 7 jeans (at least) with still the tags.....

and i found those pants some of you may remember : denim pants made by the curator. i bought a pair 34/34 about 4 months ago, and hadnt the chance to wear it yet because those are really too tight.

i was wondering were i could post pics of those as no thread seems to fit and i dont think they justify the opening of a new one.

well anyway here is a pic. i can upload more details if you want. up to you.


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The remainder of our week out in Kent, on the English east coast, and Sussex.

This was our final evening in the little town called Whistable.



On friday we headed south to stay with friends in Hastings, a town on the South Coast best-known as the location of the last battle the English lost on their own soil. Every school kid knows the date, 1066.

But on the way there we dropped in somewhere a bit more modern.

Bexhill Pavilion was the first International School building in Britain. I last visited over a decade ago - since then it's been restored, with a new cineman. It's great to see it looking cared-for.



The architects were Erich Mendelssohn and Serge Chermayeff - Chermayeff also did the interiors of the BBC's Broadcasting House, and also designed an old Bakelite Ekio radio I own… I'll be taking it for repair in the lifetime of this contest. Mendelsohn was a German Jew who moved to the UK to flee the Nazis, I believe, and designed the building with Chermayeff, around 1934.




We had a great time in Hastings. On the way back we stopped in Pevensey - this was where the Norman fleet sheltered when they invaded England.



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A last drink with our friends - this pub, the Smuggler's Inn, was beautiful, must date from before 1600 - oak framed construction, and magnificent old wood floorboards.



This building is a bit fo a contrast to Bexhill - a Roman Fort that the Normans conquered in their first few days in England - later they rebuilt it as their own castle. It's a beautiful ruin.


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Paul, I'm just blown away by the amount of history in your photos. I'm not sure why it surprises me. Perhaps because there's not much in the states old enough to be 'ruins'. Beautiful photos as usual.

My daughter's 8th birthday was this weekend, and we started the festivities at our favorite wood-fired pizza shop for dinner, then off to the local soda fountain for dessert.


Behold, the birthday banana split!


They also make and sell their own chocolates.


The big present was her first mountain bike! Man, was she excited.


We got about a foot of snow that night, so not much bike riding :(


Then my daughter and five of her girlfriends went to the climbing gym for a party. That's me and the Roys on belay.




The next several hours were a blur, but consisted of sugar highs and lows, a fairly successful slumber party, and then pancakes and bacon for breakfast. I tried to recover with some warm cookies out of the new Easy Bake oven.


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Very nice pictures lostinthesupermarket , Zissou and Paul T!!!

(Would love to see that old oak inn in person.)


Dont apologise for the lack of updates mate, your'e doin' ok. After spending four weeks in sunny Oz I can see why you would hardly ever have a chance to wear your Roys anyway (..thanks for the OG Roys btw).


I have just realised my total wear on my RxC's adds up to 2 weeks in two months! Will chuck 'em in the wash this week and hopefully post some pix soon.

Back to work on tuesday so will try to throw myself into this contest to show I have some committment.

Do you win a booby prize for coming in last? Please advise...


Glad they got to you safely Dr Heech :)

I've been wearing my Roy's almost all the time when I don't need to be in workpants, I just haven't done much interesting stuff to do photo updates.

I think you'll be OK mate, 1 month out of 12 isn't a huge deal IMO :D

(Although a wooden spoon prize would be interesting!)

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I am going to try this video thing again

hey, there I am

I feel like its been too long since there was an update of me and my roys.

Before I'd sent them off to Roy to be hemmed I steamed them and used a little febreeze. I don't know if the febreeze fermented on them or had no effect, but they smelled awful yesterday afternoon. Decided to soak them:


went to see 'the green hornet' at the Crystal Theater in Arapahoe,NE. For 2 adult tickets, medium popcorn,skittles, and a small coke it was 10$ I almost crapped my pants. When we lived in Omaha it was usually 10 just for a ticket.

DSCN8901.jpg When I got back from the movie the water was this really pale, almost piss yellow color after the hot soak so I decided to go ahead and give them a gentle wash in the shower with dr bronnners

let them air dry overnight, got up had some breakfast with the wife:


Went into a sort of food coma, and once i'd had enough coffee I decided to start in on some chores. The only interesting chore I've done all day is starting in on this typewriter I bought recently. It still works, but several of the keys stick, and it looks as though it hadn't been used for 15-20 years atleast.




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Washed some shirts yesterday with the little guy.

The galvanized bucket I use for all hand washings.


add a little bit of water.


some Dr. Bronners soap. Mint.


The dirty shirts. MF Utility shirt and a KTH work shirt. Two of my faves.


Let the little guy have a go at it. He was amazed that I was gonna let him spray water on my shirts.


I had to get down and dirty with them, while my son decided he was gonna practice the robot. The little dudes jeans are about ready for some cleaning as well. Maybe next week.



We played a little bit while they dried. My son is sporting his new fireman rain boots.




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What I was wearing today.

KTH polka dot

Dappers suspenders

brando Fryes.



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Medine i am amazed by the evo you have on your cinch, what do you do exactly?

I'm a student in New Orleans. My pair just had their first machine wash, 2 month update soon..

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Yep, he's getting bigger, but those new fireman boots help out a lot as well.

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The Roys & I had a fun weekend…

I got together with a bunch of friends & we headed up to Huntsville for some ice climbing.

I prefer my soft-shells for climbing, but could only fit the Roys under the hardshell bibs! Turned out to be a good thing, because conditions were really wet! Here are some pics, most of which I got off a friend's point-and-shoot.

There was lots of wet snow - I switched over to double boots for the climb


Gearing up for the hike over to the frozen waterfalls


A couple on the ice



On belay


Taking a break


More climbing



Mellowing out …


Back home


The Roys are pretty loose - they've stretched a lot, but I am going to hold off washing for a while yet….

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I'm loving the substantive posts lately! Awesome shit, riff! robbie - that breakfast makes me miss America. And fascinating learning as always, Paul.

Now then, about my weekend activities: Saturday was pretty much the day of Doing Things That I've Been Wanting To Do For A While. This is going to be a quad-post beast, I hope you all will forgive me...

First up: dirt-dyeing. See the mud-dyeing thread for much much more, but here are a few snapshots of the pre-dyeing on Saturday morning






While the tea-dye pre-treatment was ongoing, I headed out for some errands


American Optical





Riding dirty


really need to get the inside of my car cleaned...

To a tailor (yes, my favorite pass-time... not a lot else to do here...)


And acted on another long time "plan": taking a shot at getting a suit made locally! I decided to go to this place for the simple (irrational) fact that it's more expensive than most tailors and has a nicer shop than most tailors... so hopefully that means they produce higher quality stuff? I figure I have about a 40% chance of success on this one. Hah!

The plan: navy blue linen suit, lined with kitenge. Get African!


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Decided to try on some of the pre-made goods while I was there. Which goes best with the Roys?



I do dig the buttons, though...


Next, dropped three pair of shoes off for repair, washing and polishing. I won't bother with pictures of the final product, because it's just as shoddy as you'd expect.


Some construction going on in Bugolobi Trading Center


Picked up a utensil I needed for the dyeing


Popped into some second-hand clothing shops


Nothing remarkable, other than a couple interesting lables:


blurry, but I like "Authentic cowboy style made to last"


"Any tougher they'd rust"

matoke, anyone?


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or chicken?


Awesome knife-sharpening contraption


And headed to a shop I've been wanting to check out for a while.


"East Africa's largest vertically integrated textile mill" appeals to me

On the way into town - this place/sign has always confused me


Mean-mugging myself while bored in traffic.


"Downtown" Kampala


All the right buzz-phrases!


Uuuuunfortunately the garments are all absolute craaaaaap - in terms of construction, fit... everything.


better or less good than ROYxCone?

LOVE this sign. Maybe that's how Museveni "won"?


Back home, picked up some refreshment. Surprisingly delicious, and about $0.80


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Back to the dyeing - time for the shirts to hit the mud (more details in the mud-dyeing thread again)








While the shirts dried on Sunday, I decided that I would find a place I'd never been before to post up and read for a bit.

Wound up finding a place called "Capital Palace Hotel" or something. The upstairs of the restaurant area is remarkably not-cheesy! Missing are all the usual desidrata of Ugandan hotel decore: plastic flowers, vynil floral table cloths, linoleum everything... this place feels like a tree-house!


Well done

The subject of today's reading: my uncle's recently self-published book.


Got a few dozen pages into it, and it's interesting and a smooth, accessible read


Peterson Shamrock Smooth (408) Fishtail

H&M denim shirt (heresy to be touching the Cone denim...)


coca fine blue leather "boat shoes"

And I leave you with today's fit pic. The polo fits like crap, but I figured I should at least wear it once!


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over the weekend we put on overalls and glassed our decks

super fine cloth draped out off grain for best wrap


filling mesh with resin


mr's one done


and his and hers done


shaping transitions for the hatches out of some of mr's left over aviation ply


and a roof/deck shout


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^ those are gorgeous! (pants and kayaks)

Holdup, superfriends...

How come we're allowing this to slide by without comment (furious argument/convincing)?

too bad I'm not wearing my pair much due to the snug waist issue


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^ Oh, didn't see that.

Had to recheck his post coz I thought you altered it :P

Come'n pomata, more wear and more pics :)

Convincing argument: the waist won't be so snug if you start wearing it more!

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