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White's Horse Hide/Shell Cordovan group order


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I am just not too into black. I thought #8 was the most common aside from black?

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  fre$co said:
I might be down eddie.

Can you post your viberg engineers again? I've been thinking more about getting an engineer recently.

Not sure if these were the only Viberg Engineers Ed had, but they have been mine for the past 5 or so months. The combination of my awful camera and the awful weather today in Pittsburgh is the reason for the poor picture quality. The camera doesn't do them justice. They are great boots, and I highly recommend them. They have not been treated with anything since I've had them.

p><p><img src=Picture 413 by ray.wendolowski, on Flickr[/img]

This last one gives you an idea of how the chromexcel has begun to fade.

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Wait, I thought we were talking cordovan.

edit: I re-read the original post and see, now, that I am a moron.

I would be down for some of them service boots in a #8 horsehide now that I see the light.

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He did say, though, that it was black horsehide or black cordovan, and any type of calf.

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  rayw44 said:
To me, this means ANY leather.
  demonito said:

he can do black cordovan or black horsehide


To me this means any leather available and also black cordovan and black horsehide.

I think demonito is saying we can choose the boot and leather, as long as the leather is available. I am reading into it that black cordovan and black horsehide are the only available horsehides.

Not to be a stickler though.

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ok i need to know how many of this and that ( last, shape model of boots) and ill get back to brett hes willing to do anything but come on its just a logo im sure hell be hurt if i tell him not to put his logo on the pair of discounted boots hes goign to make for us..

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Put me down for some #8 cordovan or horsehide (whichever is easier to acquire if at all) service boots like the ones on the blog and if that isn't possible then a pair of merlot chromexcel service boots.

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  demonito said:
ok i need to know how many of this and that ( last, shape model of boots) and ill get back to brett hes willing to do anything but come on its just a logo im sure hell be hurt if i tell him not to put his logo on the pair of discounted boots hes goign to make for us..

That logo is massive and ugly.

If it were smaller and on the side... fair enough.

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^ Nice pic Ed!

Damn. I've been trying to avoid this thread, but like a moth to a flame... :rolleyes:

I saw some Vibergs in the flesh the other day, and they are something else - stunning quality, in materials, workmanship & finish.

I'd be down for the service boots, as on the blog, in black cordo or HH, and a mini Vib sole... Sigh.

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