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right, I still liked cheatcc for quite awhile after discovering gameFAQS. for codes/gameshark codes atleast.

true cheatcc was always the shit for codes, i was just always more into walkthroughs and gamefaqs is where its at for that

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  • 2 months later...

my name was either 'bloodragon' or 'stealthkenshin' on gamefaqs, i can't remember which. all of my usernames were hugely embarassing. i also remember the IGN PSX (and eventually the PS2, just before it was launched) boards and being amazed at that one du that had over 50k posts. there has to be users on there now with over 100k, right?

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  • 4 months later...
  • 4 months later...

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oh ascii-art.de, how I love thee

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