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wrangler 13mwz

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There are 2 versions of the 13MZW, there's a regular one and a slim cut one. I recently got a slim cut one (my true size) and it doesn't fit like an antifit on me. The rise is high so it takes time to get used to.

I got a used pair a long time ago they fit more like an antifit I guess it's the regular version, the cut isn't great though, I just use them to paint with.


Edited by vinz on Apr 12, 2006 at 02:25 PM

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good stuff. might have to get me a pair.

funny thing is, in nyc, the 13mwz is actually hard to find, it's probably easier to find a nudie or apc...

--- Original message by mizanation on Apr 11, 2006 02:06 PM

Dave's Army and Navy on 16th and 6th ave has them.
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good stuff. might have to get me a pair.

funny thing is, in nyc, the 13mwz is actually hard to find, it's probably easier to find a nudie or apc...

--- Original message by mizanation on Apr 11, 2006 02:06 PM

Dave's Army and Navy on 16th and 6th ave has them.

--- Original message by mspark on Apr 12, 2006 03:38 PM

yup, for $25. cheapest in NYC.
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  • 2 weeks later...

i picked up a pair of 936DEM (slim fit versions) and i acually think they fit better than my 501's (i've only tried them on twice).

they are indeed tough. my only complaint is that i wish they were a darker indigo.

this western shop near me has em on sale for 27$

i really wanted to see the gold editions in real life. i wonder if they are rigid, they look very dark, but i also see a crease in the front.


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hey lilbucu, can you post pics of the jeans on you? i want to compare the fit with the LVCs you posted before.

about the crease in the picture, it could be just for the catalog. i've seen catalog pictures of 13mwz's with creases, but they don't have creases when you buy them.

does wrangler have a store anywhere?

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these are the toughest jeans ive had. i think im gonna skate in them from now on. last night i fell and slid on the back pocker rivit for about 10 feet on asphalt, jeans barely had a scratch. the same fall would have ripped a pair of levis. the fading is coming out nicely too, especialy when i skate in them.

simplicity we use to survive, do what you doing properly, thats the way thru life

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cheap mofo, again, i am amazed at your ability to get away with hot shit for low duckets. i'm still impressed with the ralph lauren selvage you bought for like $15.

have you tried the rustler rigid indigos? they seem like they are even tougher than the 13mwz. i am thinking about getting a pair and altering them.

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Something I keep forgetting to mention about the 13MWZs is the fact the riveted back pockets located up near the yoke, are very reminescent of the old Levi's 201 model, which has a very similar configuration. That was what actually got me interested in the Wrnaglers.

Shortly after the reissue 201s were first offered, I tried to get a pair because I liked that look - the rear pockets riveted, and close to that yoke. But apparently, by the time I was aware of these jeans it was near impossible to obtain a pair. One day it occured to me the 13MWZs were very similar to that design (and best of all, not as baggy!) and that began my love affair with the Wranglers.

Like I stated earlier, their ready availability, low cost, quality construction and classic fit only make them a huge plus.

I tell ya, they are the unsung hereos of the new denim world...


Jim Cissell

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  • 2 weeks later...

hey guys, here some pics of the slim fits (936DEN)

i wear a 32/32 in a 47 501, these are also 32/32, but seem a little big, but i think they should shrink a little bit.




and also i ordered some 933DENGE, the GOLD edition versions of these, but in a darker indigo, which is also broken twill. i'll report back when i get those in. 40$! this time i ordered 31/32

Edited by lilbucu on May 8, 2006 at 12:06 AM

Edited by lilbucu on May 8, 2006 at 12:08 AM

Edited by lilbucu on May 8, 2006 at 12:09 AM

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my wranglers were horribly dirty and stank to high hell after about 3 weeks of skating and surveying, and had alot of orange paint on the legs from work, so i washed them. huge mistake. the color is terrible. they didnt shrink tho. they have been retired. i do have a vintage pair that im saving for later when my rrl are worn a bit. scovill zip and extremly dark indigo. washed tho, and super soft.

If you've lost your faith in superfuture, Oh the end won't be long

Because if it's gone for you then I too may lose it, And that would be wrong

I've tried so hard to keep myself from falling

Back into my bad old ways

And it chars my heart to always hear you calling

Calling for the good old days

Because there were no good old days

These are the good old days

Edited by cheapmuthafukr on May 8, 2006 at 10:26 AM

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hey cheap mofo, thanks for the update. i suspected the color on the 13mwz's would suck after washing.

again, i suggest the rustler rigid regular fit. color is very dark, denim is probably more durable than the 13mwz. find a local place that can rivet them for you and you have a decent looking jean for less that $15.00.

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right now im working on some double rl selvage jeans i got for 15.99. no more jeans for me until they are nice and broken in... unless they are vintage from a thrift store.

If you've lost your faith in superfuture, Oh the end won't be long

Because if it's gone for you then I too may lose it, And that would be wrong

I've tried so hard to keep myself from falling

Back into my bad old ways

And it chars my heart to always hear you calling

Calling for the good old days

Because there were no good old days

These are the good old days

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The wrangler 13mwz is unlike any Levi's model that I know. High rear pockets, loose in seat but due to shorter rear pockets conforms to body countours better than recent baggier style 501/505. Trouser-like from the front. Different, but nice look.

The slim fit cowboy cut is almost a boy's cut, very narrow legs, trim, high seat, high rise, though not as hi as 13mwz. Narrow across the front. Definitely for slender people.

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taromakino, they change much the way 501 stf change in looks as far as shine etc. They look a little slubbier than Levi, and the color, never as dark to begin with, goes more to blue/grey, without the indigo "fuzz of 501 STF. They do shrink a bit, but u will hardly notice this.

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